just incase, i wasnt disagreeing with WW2 weapons, just replying to the guy who said "nah cause they 300 years old wouldnt survive..........."
was just saying that there already are ww2 weapons in game 
dont use auto weapons, the tommy gun is hopeless in this game too, exact same damage as an auto pipe rifle/sub with far less modability and 3x the weight, i have no idea what they were thinking. i bought the cricket one just to have for the collection.
the whole weapons i personally think is poorly designed, thought out and implemented, i honestly would not be surprised to hear that they finished game were about to release then went "[censored], we forgot guns!! quick chuck a couple in get that intern to draw a couple, that'll do"
a 7.62 M60 is nothing like an AR, the SAW isnt either, closer but is way too big, bulky, cumbersome, heavy to ever be an AR. it could moonlight as an AR but really just far too bulky and heavy but i agree its much closer to one than the in game AR. It has come along way from ye ol FN MINIMI that now with all the rails, telescopic butt stock and accesories etc it does look like a big fat M16 but its not lol, in fact the whole LMG is being redesigned around AR platforms with heavier barrels for sustained fire so they have the light weight of an AR but the suppressive capability of a LMG
in the game files the AR in fallout 4 is named "machine gun" and was supposed to be as such including a 50cal mod for it. there was a chinese assault rifle to be the games AR but for some insane reason they cut it and made the horrible thing we have today the AR (thats also why when you favourite it it has an ak47 as the symbol)
changing a weapon from select fire, semi only, or auto is very easy just change the trigger group for what you want. give me the weapon and the new trigger and i could do it, so no reason why it shouldnt be able to be done in game
id say the main reason would be another button would be required to do so, which is limited for consoles. Id prob go with the up arrow like in NV how it changed ammo types, this would still give 9 favourite slots under current system and allow select fire
the AK47 design is so simple, the mujahedin were repairing captured/damaged AK47s in their villages/hideouts/bases etc with nothing more than a cooking fire and half a hammer in the afghanistan russian war