Yes, Beth wants to maximize profit, but it doesn't mean they don't care about the community or making a good game.
Furthermore, their responsibility is to all TES fans, not just those of us who are PC gamers. Being "true to the PC gaming community" is no more or less important than being true to gamers on the 360 or PS3. They will all be shelling out the same cash for the game.
I know. It's all that us vs. them foolery of the PC games being the only "true" and good games while console games are always mass market drivel that cannot ever be anything else, while PC gamers are the 'true" hardcoe gamers while any console gamer is a twelve year old shooter obsessive adrenaline junkie who'se "RUINING MY GAMES" as I always see it put.
Personally I'm astonished we've only had this many threads that try so hard to say consoles dumb down the 'real" hardcoe games without having to actually say it. I play RPGs and prefer my games to be smart and have an edge to them. I also exclusively play on consoles. According to some, those two facts should be mutually exclusive.
Seriously, if I had a dime for all the things saying that it was "sad" that so many developers were "selling out" by developing on consoles and therefore "limiting" and "dumbing down" games that "could have been so good if it was PC exclusive" I'd have the money to finish college. If I counted all those separately I could finish college and pay off my loans as well.
Honestly though it's better than some other places I've gone where developers are held to be sellouts for not actively trying to screw console gamers for being such "CoD 'tards" as they say. It's really vaguely insulting to me as a console gamer and very insulting to the multitudes of polite and well-spirited PC gamers I know.