I've bought an Xbox 360 wired controller. The controller doesn't work in Just Cause 3. I own 3 "bigger, new" games; Just Cause 3, Far Cry 4 and Fallout 4. The controller works in Far Cry 4 but doesn't work in JC3 and FO4.
I already done some troubleshooting:
1. I installed the drivers from the CD which was inside the box with the controller.
2. I also looked if the controller was mentioned in "Devices and printers". My controller is mentioned there. I can also press buttons/move joysticks and see them react inside the properties.
3. Next i looked at Device Manager to see if the drivers were properly installed. Everything seems fine here.
4. I also tried EVERY usb port on my pc. Usb2/Usb3/front/back, all of them.
5. Lastly I look to the settings ingame. Fallout 4 has an "Controller" option under Settings -> Gameplay -> Controller. This setting is "On", but the controller is not working. I can't find such a setting in Just Cause 3.
Windows 10 Education
Wired Xbox360 controller
Does anyone know why my controller isn't working with JC3, FO4 but does work with FC4?
(I had some pictures but the forum doesn′t allow me to post links.)
[English is not my primary language]