1) My CAP lock has a MIND of it's OWN...thanks for pointing that OUT...

2) We shouldn't have to tap dance what saves to load or not load, or when to load them and when not to load them. 3) This reminds me of the whole 'The Pit" (there it goes again) debacle. 4) Did not KNOW that there were Cap Lock Nazis...
Could have sworn that this was AMERICA... home of the free to cap lock as we please. Oh, should I post my Birth Certificate prior to posting? Oh, and my college transcripts... my marriage certificate... my registration as a Pharmacy Technician in the State Of California... my Real Estate License??? \
Anywho, it is not 10:37PM Pacific time, only an hour and twenty-three mins left to Friday... could have sworn the statement they posted said that it was going to be TODAY... "later today"...