» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:35 pm
Yes, do not try to isolate this as though I'm angry at the Xbox 360 getting the demo. I'm angry because of these reasons:
- Crysis 2 is announced for all platforms even though Cevat Yerli claimed that Crysis is impossible on consoles.
- Directly contradicting what he said earlier, Cevat claims that Crysis 2 will not be downgraded from the original because of consoles.
- What we find is that Crysis 2's controls are modelled completely around the Xbox 360 controller. Now the suit automatically enables certain modes and features such as prone, lean, and the grenade button are either removed completely or, in the case of lean, is only available in single-player as an automatic feature.
- Cevat's original words rang true as Crysis 2's levels are smaller and more cramped. There are few fewer physics objects. Trees still break, but there are so few of them and they are so small that it doesn't matter. However, Cevat still claims that Crysis 2 has not been affected much by consoles, even though the game is moved to a radically different setting, the story jumps three years, and the removals and restrictions mentioned above were made.
- All footage is shown from the Xbox 360 until about a month before release.
- The Xbox 360 gets an exclusive beta, then an exclusive demo. The PC finally gets a demo, but then the Xbox 360 gets the same demo at the same time. The Playstation 3 gets a demo announced, but no date.
- With less than a month to go before release, DirectX 11 footage and screenshots of the PC version have not been shown.
Oh, and multiplayer has been absolutely butchered. I don't know why Crytek bought out Free Radical. They went into administration because of the failure of Haze. Of course, they conveniently do not mention Haze at all and instead like to talk about how they made Timesplitters. Either way, these are console FPSs. Why are they exclusively working on the multiplayer of a franchise that has been only on the PC up to this point?
Overall, Crytek/EA/whoever is in charge of this mess have forsaken the fanbase that brought Crytek here in the first place. Go ahead and cater to the console fanbase, but do not cry or be surprised if the PC version does poorly in sales. Of course, they'll take the easy route and just blame piracy instead of taking responsibility for pissing off their original fanbase.