» Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:27 am
Once again, it's not just the demo. It's the complete focus on the Xbox 360 over the PC. When evaluating the worth of a game, you need to factor in development effort and cost. The original Crysis is superior to Crysis 2 in almost every way and yet that went for $50. Crysis Warhead is also superior to Crysis 2 in almost every way and that went for $30. Why should I spend $60 on an inferior game? It's not a question of money, it's a question of value. Clearly you don't care because you're spending your mommy's money. For me, I have better places where I could be spending my hard-earned money.
Where would you spend that $10? A medium pizza? An old western movie? A dime bag? Lol give me a break. How would you know how good C2 is anyway? You haven't even played it for yourself! I don't see a complete focus on 360 over PC. What you've seen is what you're going to get, and more (considering better graphics and dx11)! I'm going to make this really simple for you. If you personally don't like where the franchise is going, MOVE ON! Build a bridge and get over it before you drown in your own tears.
I could spend that $10 at many different places. Any choice is better than wasting it on lining the pockets of EA. I could get a superior game AND a medium pizza.
12 hour campaign? Try 16-18 hour campaign AVERAGE:
That 12 hour figure for Crysis 2 is probably maximum time. Also, the multiplayer in Duke Nukem Forever will not be a rip-off of Call of Duty. The PC version is $50. Now THAT is value.
Yeah... But Duke Nukem's gonna svck.
You can tell me im wrong now, but when you've had the game for more than a week you'll know im right. You'll just never admit it.
And i like the way you ignored my first post because it logically (mostly) explains why 360 gets more support and kills your argument.
I ignored your first post because you ignored the whole point of my topic. The fact is that Xbox 360 is getting all the attention. What's to say the PC demo will be perfect? The Xbox 360 has had a beta and a demo to fix issues. The PC is only now getting a demo. What happens when there are many problems with it? Hell, what about Playstation 3 owners? By the way, Duke Nukem Forever is a much, MUCH better game than Crysis 2 could ever dream to be. You'll realize this as I'm having fun with the awesome interactivity, massive singleplayer, and unique multiplayer, while you stop playing with your shorter barebones singleplayer and your CoD rip-off multiplayer.
This is the first time the 360 got a demo, not the 2nd, the so called "first" time was a BETA, not a DEMO. get it straight.
Oh? Then what do you call the BETA that was exclusive to the Xbox 360? The Xbox 360 had two betas? Now why do you think it's fair that the Xbox 360 gets two betas and all other platforms get none? The demo will most likely have problems on the PC and PS3 and there will only be less than a month to fix it, if they ever do. We all know how Crytek abandoned Crysis and Crysis Wars multiplayer after promising support.