» Wed May 02, 2012 7:28 am
Well, I've been playing on and off for some time now... and the things is, every time that I play it either gets worse or just stays the same O_o I have a wireless 20mb connection at home and for the most part, it works just fine. Certainly there are a few moments in which the connection itself is to blame for lagginess or for dropping me out of a game, but this happens on extremely rare cases. Crysis 2, however... is another kind of issue altogether.
To give you some feedback...
The first game is usually found quickly enough. The problem is it always seems to find games that are always halfway through finished. It is a very rare thing to find a full lobby getting ready for a match. Strangely enough though, after finding the first game, it gets progressively harder and harder to find games. After the second or third game in the same lobby (sometimes it doesn't even last that long) I mysteriously get kicked out of it to start a new lobby by myself... only to then kicked out of that lobby and into another one with a meager handful of people... and THAT game turns extremely laggy for no apparent reason. After that it just goes downhill... most of the time. There are precious few instances when the matchmaking behaves well enough and it becomes at the very least tolerable and at most, really damn good fun.
As previously stated, I have a wireless connection that works serviceably for me. I have also correctly placed my locale in the settings as the United States.
As for the matches themselves, though... Well, the inconsistency of various different connection speeds in a single match is the only consistent thing that I can count on. On most games, however most of the connection speeds lie somewhere around the 2 or 3 (orange and yellow) bar marks... most of them heading towards the red spectrum O_o There are a few scattered red bar connections every so often... and the host sticks out like a sore thumb because he/she is the only one with green bars. The only person that ever has 4 bars is the host, which makes it pretty damn easy to spot them. Also, there have been games in which the host has 4 green bars and EVERYONE else has a single red bar.... of course, connectivity issues are aplenty in those games.
Like it has been said before, the first games are usually found hassle-free... but after that it all just goes bat-**** insane.
Crytek... I really love your games and I really want this to succeed. I IMPLORE you to please fix the netcode... it is woefully lacking. I know I might be fanning the fires with this, but seriously... if you guys want an example of an amazingly good and stable netcode that allows for a solid online experience, you should probably take a look at the Halo series for inspiration. Sure, they have lag issues every so often, but all in all, it's pretty damn solidly built. If you guys had that kind of stability in your multiplayer, it would kick its ass to kingdom come. As it stands, though... it just feels... unfinished. I feel like I'm playing a beta or something like that.. especially with all those little details that make it feel like such an unfinished product. I mean, what the hell is it with the menu music? I got a suggestion for that... ELIMINATE IT ENTIRELY. As you can see in most other online shooters, they simply have no music in the lobbies... or if they do, they have a single song that plays over and over like CoD. It really can't be that hard to fix O_O