Xbox 360 - Network Performance [Update 02/06]

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:22 am

Host Migrations usually works.
Or more accurately, Host Migration only doesn't work when the host either manually dashboards (to save his K/D or just to piss off the other people in the game) or gets a black screen / game freeze / console freeze. Reason for that is dashboarding / freezing instantly takes the console out of the information loop, making it impossible to transfer the host information from one player to the next, though the game system still tries for the maximum 30 seconds.
Just, you know, in case anyone cares.

Also, network connections were inconsistent over the weekend. Some games were good, some even great with greens all around. Others were bad, with spotty hit detection, teleporting players and the iffy melee combat. Mostly the games were okay, better than before, so kudos for that.

Oh, and L-Tags should be friendly-fire and self-killing. At least. If not colored in pink and labeled "sissy guns".
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:45 am

well i use cable internet, roughly 12mbps connection, i always use hard wired connection for the most part players i get connected with are orange bar sometimes green sometimes red since the update, but today for some reason the connection was a major issue, and i reset my modem multiple times to try to see if it was on my end. took a long time to find matches some times, and alot of game play latency issues. example; power kick a car and takes about 2 seconds before the car moved. or start shooting at a player and then the player vanishes and i get i die, kill cam shows me shooting nothingness and the player was behind me shooting me.. just things like that, i ran connection tests my connection was always good and i my router ports are properly opened.
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:28 am

Well, I've been playing on and off for some time now... and the things is, every time that I play it either gets worse or just stays the same O_o I have a wireless 20mb connection at home and for the most part, it works just fine. Certainly there are a few moments in which the connection itself is to blame for lagginess or for dropping me out of a game, but this happens on extremely rare cases. Crysis 2, however... is another kind of issue altogether.

To give you some feedback...

The first game is usually found quickly enough. The problem is it always seems to find games that are always halfway through finished. It is a very rare thing to find a full lobby getting ready for a match. Strangely enough though, after finding the first game, it gets progressively harder and harder to find games. After the second or third game in the same lobby (sometimes it doesn't even last that long) I mysteriously get kicked out of it to start a new lobby by myself... only to then kicked out of that lobby and into another one with a meager handful of people... and THAT game turns extremely laggy for no apparent reason. After that it just goes downhill... most of the time. There are precious few instances when the matchmaking behaves well enough and it becomes at the very least tolerable and at most, really damn good fun.

As previously stated, I have a wireless connection that works serviceably for me. I have also correctly placed my locale in the settings as the United States.

As for the matches themselves, though... Well, the inconsistency of various different connection speeds in a single match is the only consistent thing that I can count on. On most games, however most of the connection speeds lie somewhere around the 2 or 3 (orange and yellow) bar marks... most of them heading towards the red spectrum O_o There are a few scattered red bar connections every so often... and the host sticks out like a sore thumb because he/she is the only one with green bars. The only person that ever has 4 bars is the host, which makes it pretty damn easy to spot them. Also, there have been games in which the host has 4 green bars and EVERYONE else has a single red bar.... of course, connectivity issues are aplenty in those games.

Like it has been said before, the first games are usually found hassle-free... but after that it all just goes bat-**** insane.

Crytek... I really love your games and I really want this to succeed. I IMPLORE you to please fix the netcode... it is woefully lacking. I know I might be fanning the fires with this, but seriously... if you guys want an example of an amazingly good and stable netcode that allows for a solid online experience, you should probably take a look at the Halo series for inspiration. Sure, they have lag issues every so often, but all in all, it's pretty damn solidly built. If you guys had that kind of stability in your multiplayer, it would kick its ass to kingdom come. As it stands, though... it just feels... unfinished. I feel like I'm playing a beta or something like that.. especially with all those little details that make it feel like such an unfinished product. I mean, what the hell is it with the menu music? I got a suggestion for that... ELIMINATE IT ENTIRELY. As you can see in most other online shooters, they simply have no music in the lobbies... or if they do, they have a single song that plays over and over like CoD. It really can't be that hard to fix O_O
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:04 am

Yesterday I got into two games, a minute or so afterwards everybody somehow left, I got to play around in Wall Street by myself for 7 minutes and this happened twice... I have a video of the first and a pic of the second if Cry-Adam is interested... I also found out that when I got the Slide 5000 meters assessment during the Wall Street game you hear a little rock piece along with the message! :)
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:20 am

Had some great fun on the weekend with 3 other friends. Much XP was had by all.

A few things now that the lag is significantly improved though, sure I'm repeating some of this from these elsewhere on the forums:

* You have a full lobby of 12 people and then something goes wrong with the session. You've voted for a map which should be loading. The map doesn't load and you often join a game in progress or go back to City Hall & Sanctuary. Very infuriating as you quite often get thrown into a game in progress which means the party splits.

* Splitting the party if there's only 6 people playing. Quite fun(ish) - playing against a party member, provided you then get a stable lobby for several games so the process doesn't repeat. I think those who play in parties would prefer the game to wait until the lobby has enough players for the party on one side and 3+ on the opposition.

* Dashboarding. Arg. Appreciate there's not much that can be done here, but keeping the entire party together after a dashboarded game would be great (MW2 does this quite well).

* Hosting. This is an odd one. 2 friends of mine were playing from the same ADSL connection. He has a rather good connection so was host quite frequently. However I think the game somehow didn't like having '2' hosts in the same game, and would migrate one of them out, on their own into a new map. Where they would be with however much time was left on the clock counting down and no opposition. No-one seemed to join that game, either.

* Migration. It's getting better but still fails probably 3 games in 5, again this isn't such a big deal playing on your own but with a large party and the factors above it's extremely frustrating.

This weekend for me has proved that the game is much more playable though - I brought 2 friends back who hadn't played it since a couple of days after launch. They were loving it, getting excited about levelling up modules and guns, and we had a great beered up Crysis-fest all day yesterday.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:07 am

Actually the game does migrate when you dashboard. Example, was playing with my squad last night and dashed to try it out and one of my squad members became host. Then I was able to join back up with them during the same game from the dashboard.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:38 am

One thing I noticed over the weekend: switching to secondary has been very sluggish. I'll hit Y when my primary runs out, but my primary continues to re-load for a second before my secondary gets pulled out. Seems like it used to INSTANTLY interrupt the reloading process. Has anyone else noticed this?
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:23 am

One thing I noticed over the weekend: switching to secondary has been very sluggish. I'll hit Y when my primary runs out, but my primary continues to re-load for a second before my secondary gets pulled out. Seems like it used to INSTANTLY interrupt the reloading process. Has anyone else noticed this?
Yup I have it makes me want to throw my controller at my screen
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:20 am

well even with my isp getting a long over due upgrade today, the game ran really good. hit detection was decent and the lag was minimal. keep up the good work crytek! now give us a killer patch!
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:40 am

well hearing very good feedback, at least that is what it seems... for me still hit detection is a nightmare and connection bar is always at 1 orange level... maybe just me i dunno...
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:51 am

Now i can't even play this game literally! Good job. O.o
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Post » Tue May 01, 2012 6:54 pm

Now i can't even play this game literally! Good job. O.o

You know... Putting down people (and the company) in the way that you have been; doesn't mean it' entirely EA/Crytek's fault.

A LARGE Majority come here to complain about their "Lag" experiences when most, don't experience lag, they just svck at gaming in general. You're not a real gamer unless your first console was an Atari 8600. :P But, seriously... You can't just blame lag or online experience for a GOOD game.

If you don't like the online, nobody is forcing you to play it; hence why there is NO Online pass required; (Because of no dedicated support)... You should have worked this out when and before you purchased the game.

Still, the campaign is good enough. I like online now and the campaign. It's both good.
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:03 am

You know... Putting down people (and the company) in the way that you have been; doesn't mean it' entirely EA/Crytek's fault.

A LARGE Majority come here to complain about their "Lag" experiences when most, don't experience lag, they just svck at gaming in general. You're not a real gamer unless your first console was an Atari 8600. :P But, seriously... You can't just blame lag or online experience for a GOOD game.

If you don't like the online, nobody is forcing you to play it; hence why there is NO Online pass required; (Because of no dedicated support)... You should have worked this out when and before you purchased the game.

Still, the campaign is good enough. I like online now and the campaign. It's both good.

I paid $60. for the online multiplayer(The game). I would like to be able to play it. I svck but i'm not that bad. emptying a k-volt point blank into someones head should kill them even with armor on. Oh and by the way i was actually complaining about not being able to find any games and if i actually do the Xbox locks up and has to be hard reset. Oh and my first 3 consoles were Atari 2600, Colecovision, and the Sega master system and i still play them. Lol.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:35 am

One thing I noticed over the weekend: switching to secondary has been very sluggish. I'll hit Y when my primary runs out, but my primary continues to re-load for a second before my secondary gets pulled out. Seems like it used to INSTANTLY interrupt the reloading process. Has anyone else noticed this?

It's been like this since day one >; (
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:31 am

Cry-Adam is Crysis 2 like MW2 where everybody needed to have their NAT set to open?

Use weapons pro to make switching faster! Its one of my favourite modules!

Don't start blaming other gamers connection as it is easy to see the difference(just kick a car or lift up an HMG), other companies have great netcode so the games are more fluid and fun, but Crytek is attempting to improve it so... just hurry up please!

Last part isn't aimed at Crytek even though its sorta true but at people who have that rare good connection all the time... latency can be the difference between life and death e.g. wasting half a mag more that you should...
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brandon frier
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Post » Tue May 01, 2012 8:44 pm

As you're laudably trying to address the game's issues I'll temper my nerdrage accordingly.

- Did it take longer than 30s to find a game? (please try and be accurate with this)

Usually I wait for several minutes in an empty lobby especially if I'm looking for anything other than TIA- Fast Rounds. I will occasionally be thrown into an in progress game almost immediately upon game load but I typically will wait at least 30s before having to exit the join session attempt and restart the search. Whereupon I'll usually get a solid run of games. Still, it's almost always a long wait to get started playing.

- Are you on wired or wireless?

Wireless Xbox Slim

- Have you specified your correct locale (region) in your console settings?*

Going to check per your included instructions. (I hope to God that helps because the lag is atrocious).

- What was the ratio of red bar to orange bar to green bar players in the match?

Variable. I'll start with a lot of green. Then it fluctuates. I got a red bar once to my surprise. (I don't even get those on Black Ops). Usually a lot of 2-3 green bars mixed with a few yellow and the odd red, like today.

- Did you get into the first game without any issues?

As I said, I usually have to stop and start the search process before I find an acceptable host and/or game lobby. That hasn't changed. After that I can play for a couple hours with only the rarest of lost server connection related crashes. Since the update I've found the lag to be more concentrated if you will. I was destroying with the Feline even winning 1-on-1 engagements on occasion as opposed to getting shot from across the map by a pistol from behind which is what usually happens # hitdetection #spawns then I switch to the HMG and I shoot 50 rounds into a target I've snuck up on only to watch them dance back and forth and flitter away without so much as a hit marker. Very inconsistent.

Also, I just bought the map pack and I couldn't get into a TIA game at all. I got into a crash site/extraction mixed lobby and watched opposing players wish my bullets away before turning to face me and down me with 2 rounds max four times in a row before returning to the regular maps. The lag on the regular maps seems intermittent as I'll beast for four or five kills before dying from a "phantom melee".

I really like the game but your lag is worse than Black Ops and that is really bad lag. Please continue to work on the game so more people can enjoy all the great things that Crysis 2 has to offer.

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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:12 am

xbox connectivity has been better for me since the update. but i cant confirm the update is the reason why.
i recently installed a new router.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Tue May 01, 2012 11:15 pm

Just last night my squad and I played with a host who was from Saudi Arabia...we all were red bar. I was the squad leader so I have no idea why it put us in that game. The next game was better as he was not the host. One of my squad members was and were are all from the US.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:10 am

Hey everyone!

Some further network changes have been pushed out to the 360 and PS3 consoles via the live update system. As usual, in order to receive this update you need to login in to the multiplayer menu. So if you're already in MP, please quit out, start up SP and then head back in MP to apply the update.

These changes mainly affect the matchmaking system so please let us know how you find the match making / lobby usage!

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:58 am

Nice to see things are moving forwards. If the flaws of this game are fixed it would be a real winner.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:05 am

Cool, will try it out tonight.

Will report back tomorrow:
-kicking out of lobbies/squad splits
-red bar matches
-host migration
-"retrieving session details" lobbies encountered

What is the status of the Map Randomization??

Thanks again
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:38 am

Wow it seems that the net coding is being updated nearly every week! Thanks Cry-Adam and team at Crytek UK!

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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue May 01, 2012 7:25 pm


I have played several times with a STRICT NAT setting. The biggest side affect is it will keep you from being host and it may take longer to find matches.

Once I was in the match it did not seem to affect the amount of lag when I compare it to playing with a OPEN NAT setting.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Tue May 01, 2012 8:37 pm


I have played several times with a STRICT NAT setting. The biggest side affect is it will keep you from being host and it may take longer to find matches.

Once I was in the match it did not seem to affect the amount of lag when I compare it to playing with a OPEN NAT setting.

So would there be a benefit to forcing us to have an open NAT like MW2 has? Maybe a bit smoother gameplay and less bugs caused by lag? Maybe thats why the host selection is bad cause the people who would be a good host have it on strict?
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:14 am

They somehow managed to make the hit-detection even worse. This past week half of my deaths were completely random where I'd just walk around with no one around and I'd just die. No grenades going off, no jaws, no bullets flying, just me dying for no reason. Happens when I'm also near the line of fire, but no one is even close to targeting me only for me to hear an explosion and die. Been also put in matches were the lag was extremely bad more than usual.

And, one more last thing, when are the "stuck" sessions going to be rid of? It's annoying to keep encountering these when trying to join a match. Almost as annoying as joining a match I just left.

I have also had this happen to me on many occasions. I only have it happen when I get on a role and get a few kills under my belt with no deaths and then BAMN!! it is like I stepped on a land mine. No killcam showing how I died , just puts me observing teammates until I re-spawn. The noise is loud as hell to as if I did blow up.
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