Xbox 360 - Network Performance [Update 02/06]

Post » Tue May 01, 2012 6:58 pm

my 2 cents

Longer than 30sec:
As documented here, depends. Half the time I get placed into a game-in-progress immediately (5 sec). When I end up in a lobby it always takes more than 30sec

Connection details:
Xbox 360S, installed to HD, wired network 360->router->cable modem

Set appropriately

Connection Quality:
Varies widely, typically one-half to two-thirds 3bar, remainder 2bar, occasionally one or two one-bar in the group. However the 'bars' are not necessarily correlated to to 'match performance' I've had reliable games with mostly 'yellow bar' squads, and had WTF games with mostly 'green bar' squads.

1st game:
see first response

Qualitative observations. I've enjoyed the game more since the hotfix. I noticed the improvement Sunday on a session before the announcement. I almost immediately became better at responding to and picking off the 'feline/melee' cloakers, and I quickly become consistently aware of when I 'earned' a kill (release the trigger as the player drops confident that I placed enough bullets for the kill... without spraying and waiting for the visual death animation confirmation). It's remained that way since then.

There are still occasional bad games, perhaps 1/10. I also still have WTF moments in the remaining 9/10, perhaps a single WTF in every third game.

My last (less than) 2 cents.

My gut tells me most of the multiplayer problems are due to the small player population. It seems I always end up lobbied up with a handful of the same XBL names. If there was a 'critical mass' of players in the bucket, I suspect a *lot* of these problems would go away.

IMHO the small population isn't caused by 'bugs' and 'code' but because Crysis 2 multiplayer is very difficult to learn.

It took me a long time to 'get the hang of it' (that said I'm still downright awful, just check my embarrassing stats) because I really *wanted* to enjoy it. I played through SP twice on 'normal', tried multiplayer and got frustrated. Played a 3rd SP on 'hard', tried MP again and left angry, 4th SP on 'supersoldier', then still frustrated with MP. On my 5th SP (second SS) right after the 'wall street' SP map I tried MP again, finally started to 'get it' and have been hooked since.

Unfortunately I don't have a fix for that. Dumbing down Crysis to make it more palatable for short-attention-span masses would eliminate the same stuff that makes it so fun for those of us here that are impossibly passionate about the game.


Perhaps for the next iteration, Crysis 3 should there be one; A great deal of emphasis should be placed on combining the 360-Playstation populations to match against one another. I'm not sure if PC can be grouped in that bucket as using a mouse tends to present a major aim-accuracy advantage.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:42 am

my 2 cents

Longer than 30sec:
As documented here, depends. Half the time I get placed into a game-in-progress immediately (5 sec). When I end up in a lobby it always takes more than 30sec

Connection details:
Xbox 360S, installed to HD, wired network 360->router->cable modem

Set appropriately

Connection Quality:
Varies widely, typically one-half to two-thirds 3bar, remainder 2bar, occasionally one or two one-bar in the group. However the 'bars' are not necessarily correlated to to 'match performance' I've had reliable games with mostly 'yellow bar' squads, and had WTF games with mostly 'green bar' squads.

1st game:
see first response

Qualitative observations. I've enjoyed the game more since the hotfix. I noticed the improvement Sunday on a session before the announcement. I almost immediately became better at responding to and picking off the 'feline/melee' cloakers, and I quickly become consistently aware of when I 'earned' a kill (release the trigger as the player drops confident that I placed enough bullets for the kill... without spraying and waiting for the visual death animation confirmation). It's remained that way since then.

There are still occasional bad games, perhaps 1/10. I also still have WTF moments in the remaining 9/10, perhaps a single WTF in every third game.

My last (less than) 2 cents.

My gut tells me most of the multiplayer problems are due to the small player population. It seems I always end up lobbied up with a handful of the same XBL names. If there was a 'critical mass' of players in the bucket, I suspect a *lot* of these problems would go away.

IMHO the small population isn't caused by 'bugs' and 'code' but because Crysis 2 multiplayer is very difficult to learn.

It took me a long time to 'get the hang of it' (that said I'm still downright awful, just check my embarrassing stats) because I really *wanted* to enjoy it. I played through SP twice on 'normal', tried multiplayer and got frustrated. Played a 3rd SP on 'hard', tried MP again and left angry, 4th SP on 'supersoldier', then still frustrated with MP. On my 5th SP (second SS) right after the 'wall street' SP map I tried MP again, finally started to 'get it' and have been hooked since.

Unfortunately I don't have a fix for that. Dumbing down Crysis to make it more palatable for short-attention-span masses would eliminate the same stuff that makes it so fun for those of us here that are impossibly passionate about the game.


Perhaps for the next iteration, Crysis 3 should there be one; A great deal of emphasis should be placed on combining the 360-Playstation populations to match against one another. I'm not sure if PC can be grouped in that bucket as using a mouse tends to present a major aim-accuracy advantage.

Don't know why but I'm getting annoyed with people comparing Xbox, PS3 to PC. The PC IS a Personal Computer; The Xbox & PS3 are GAMING CONSOLES. They are NOT the same thing, just because they CAN do the same thing, doesn't mean they are.

PC will always be better at anything above consoles, because it's not limited to just gaming, it's open to everything... Xbox & PS3 is limited to media and gaming, granted not as much as the PC but still some limited movement. Which is why when people say "PC IS BETTER" I get pissed off, they are nothing alike. Not even close.

But, then that's my thoughts. I am a PC gamer and I cannot say that I personally feel the PC isn't better because it is, but then that's because it's in a whole league of it's own. Pitched against laptops & macs.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:46 am


Perhaps for the next iteration, Crysis 3 should there be one; A great deal of emphasis should be placed on combining the 360-Playstation populations to match against one another. I'm not sure if PC can be grouped in that bucket as using a mouse tends to present a major aim-accuracy advantage.

Um, no. Microsoft will not allow playing on XBox Live with players on PSN. Not only is it technically impossible because XBox Live is not PSN and they have completely different setups in regards to software, hardware and networks, but why would Microsoft want to risk opening up XBox Live to PSN when Sony is getting hacked on nearly a daily basis? It is technically possible to lump PC and 360 players together as that's Microsoft territory, but it's just not something anybody really wants because a game pad is not a keyboard and mouse and a PC is not an XBox 360 and vice versa.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:02 am

Hi guys, please try and only post your feedback regarding the network updates, otherwise this thread loses its value as a resource for on-topic feedback regarding the changes.

Please keep them coming, it certainly helps!
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:07 am

Hi guys, please try and only post your feedback regarding the network updates, otherwise this thread loses its value as a resource for on-topic feedback regarding the changes.

Please keep them coming, it certainly helps!


I have posted this elsewhere but you may have not seen it.

Let me first congratulate Crytek for implementing the recent Network Performance tweaks which have drastically improved the lobby system, however there are multiple issues which are damn right annoying and could perturb player that are not die-hard fans to not play. This is evidenced by the number of people that won't play the MP due to these and those before the tweaks.

Issue 1# - Joining Matches Mid-Game - This is a constant problem. Whether I play IA or TIA I am often placed in matches that I have no chance coming back from and winning. Further, since I am being put in the match without prior notice then I cannot choose whether I wanted to play that particular map or not.

Suggestions: Give players the option to join mid-game or to wait for a new game lobby. Allow players to leave a game without receiving a loss penalty if they leave within 30 seconds of entering the game.

Issue 2# - Crashing/Freezing - While loading up a match or when finishing a match and returning to the lobby screen then our Xbox's will randomly freeze or crash. This will then either require a Dashboard, if it will allow me to, or to restart my Xbox. I've done these approximately 10 times today, this happens far too frequently.

Issue 3# - Lag - Since the Network Performance tweaks this has improved immensely. People's connections from that I have observed are usually good. There are still instances, which I've experienced today a few times, in which everyone has red bars except Host. I'm not sure what mechanics are involved in selecting hosts, but there needs to be a system in place that automatically forces a host-migration once this occurs. Currently, the host will remain until the end of the game.

Suggestions - Please put in a command that states "if X number or 1 bars are present then migrate host". Add in a feature that will allow players to vote for host to be migrated. Don't allow for losses for leaving games when you have a 1 bar.

Issue 4# - "Retrieving Session Details" - Whilst attempting to join a game, the two maps that usually are displayed on the left (to vote for) gets stuck at "Retrieving Session Details", this can happen for over 5 minutes. Worse is that when you leave the lobby and attempt to join another it will keep bring you back to this glitched lobby. While this is happening, on the right hand side where the players are displayed, all the players are displaying their rank and clan tag except one. I don't know why.

Issue #5- Kicked out of Full Lobbies - A game will finish and we can have more or less a full lobby and we will vote and wait for the countdown, but then suddenly, for no apparent reason, it will kick everyone out that lobby. It will then either join another lobby, make the player wait in an empty lobby or will join us somewhere else mid-game (which I hate!!).

Issue 6# - Population information in each playlist - This has been mentioned previously by Sa1R3d Wa1ka ( Players are left to wait in lobbies for lengthy periods of time with little indication as to whether players are present or not. This is frustrating and unprofessional. Population information is the norm and standards for online games.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, as huge improvements have been made to the game with recent tweaks and they've made the experience a lot more enjoyable, however these 4 issues are very aggravating and persistent.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:06 am

A few days after the network update, and I have to be honest I'm finding it even more difficult to find games.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:43 am

My findings last night:

-yes, continously seeing the same gamertags in my lobbies as well when playing with my squad.
-rarely any red bar games, maybe 1/10 at least 1 player has a red bar. however one game, the host lagged everyone purposely down to red bar in the middle of the match.
-finding match with squad took no time, but the match would start without a full game and split us still.
-there were many disconnects for my squad members, which never happened as much-every game basically someone was dropped.
-host migration is still spotty and seems to only work when the host dashboards. if they are disconnected, happens way too often, it will not migrate.
-lobby seemed better as in not being kicked out and having to start the map rotation all over.
-squad members still getting black screen when the game fails to start.
-in game, hit detection is very spotty as in I can go on a tear for part of a match killing people quickly, then not be able to kill someone within my first magazine.
-need map randomization-the map pairing should always change.
-I am not including all the bugs people are already aware of-not a huge deal to me, except for the random energy loss that leaves you a sitting duck.

As a whole the game is obviously playable, but tends to get infuriating with great satisfaction mixed in.

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