Longer than 30sec:
As documented here, depends. Half the time I get placed into a game-in-progress immediately (5 sec). When I end up in a lobby it always takes more than 30sec
Connection details:
Xbox 360S, installed to HD, wired network 360->router->cable modem
Set appropriately
Connection Quality:
Varies widely, typically one-half to two-thirds 3bar, remainder 2bar, occasionally one or two one-bar in the group. However the 'bars' are not necessarily correlated to to 'match performance' I've had reliable games with mostly 'yellow bar' squads, and had WTF games with mostly 'green bar' squads.
1st game:
see first response
Qualitative observations. I've enjoyed the game more since the hotfix. I noticed the improvement Sunday on a session before the announcement. I almost immediately became better at responding to and picking off the 'feline/melee' cloakers, and I quickly become consistently aware of when I 'earned' a kill (release the trigger as the player drops confident that I placed enough bullets for the kill... without spraying and waiting for the visual death animation confirmation). It's remained that way since then.
There are still occasional bad games, perhaps 1/10. I also still have WTF moments in the remaining 9/10, perhaps a single WTF in every third game.
My last (less than) 2 cents.
My gut tells me most of the multiplayer problems are due to the small player population. It seems I always end up lobbied up with a handful of the same XBL names. If there was a 'critical mass' of players in the bucket, I suspect a *lot* of these problems would go away.
IMHO the small population isn't caused by 'bugs' and 'code' but because Crysis 2 multiplayer is very difficult to learn.
It took me a long time to 'get the hang of it' (that said I'm still downright awful, just check my embarrassing stats) because I really *wanted* to enjoy it. I played through SP twice on 'normal', tried multiplayer and got frustrated. Played a 3rd SP on 'hard', tried MP again and left angry, 4th SP on 'supersoldier', then still frustrated with MP. On my 5th SP (second SS) right after the 'wall street' SP map I tried MP again, finally started to 'get it' and have been hooked since.
Unfortunately I don't have a fix for that. Dumbing down Crysis to make it more palatable for short-attention-span masses would eliminate the same stuff that makes it so fun for those of us here that are impossibly passionate about the game.
Perhaps for the next iteration, Crysis 3 should there be one; A great deal of emphasis should be placed on combining the 360-Playstation populations to match against one another. I'm not sure if PC can be grouped in that bucket as using a mouse tends to present a major aim-accuracy advantage.