» Wed May 02, 2012 10:27 am
For a while (last three days) the MP was a lot better, quicker and more responsive.
Today I faced lag as I have rarely encountered it yet, to the point were it took half a second for any action to be performed after the button press. It was a game of chance whether I would reload or not, melee attacks never even happened, only 1 out of 10 shots on target actually registered, and people just weren't where my screen showed them to be. Running was unresponsive to say the least, the whole thing felt like... well, crap. The worst I've had so far, playing with much the same people I played with yesterday and the days before.
And most, if not all of the times, all that stuff happened with three green bars, on different hosts, different maps and at least five consecutive games. Maybe it's the many people online for double XP... but wait, wouldn't that only be true for dedicated servers?
How come every other game manages to get lag-free games with people all around the world? COD does, Halo does, Battlefield does, Red Dead does, Borderlands does, but somehow we're having a friggin' Crysis as soon as I'm not playing with that dude from down the street who smells funny.
With my Freeze Ray I will stop the world....
With my Freeze Ray I will find the time to find the words to...
Tell you how... How you make... Make me feel... What's the phrase?...
Like a fool... Kinda sick... Special needs... Anyways...
With my Freeze Ray I will stop the Pain...
Wired Conn., 16 down 1 up
Locale NOT set correctly, because I do not want to play with Ze Germans. (Yes, I can say that. I AM German. And not by choice.)
Game Mode: Crash Site
Maps: Lighthouse, Parking Deck, Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street, Downed B-, no, Psych - Wall Street, Evac Zone, Lighthouse.