So I am making a list of 360 players who don't mind adding one another in relation to the soon-to-be released BRINK. If you'd like to be on the list, go ahead and respond in this thread and I will add you. I will also try to organize this as best as I can. I will also divide this by time-zones, regions, and anything else I feel would greatly organize this thread.
Also, if this goes pretty well I may re-edit this post and might include Playstation and PC gamers.
If you'd like to be apart in this list, I'd like you to fill out this :
[Forum Name] :
[Gamer Tag] :
[Time Zone]
[Region / Country] :
[Time Available In Game (optional)] :
[Gamer Tag] :
[Time Zone]
[Region / Country] :
[Time Available In Game (optional)] :