-The objective really keep you busy in Brink, its a little overwhelming the first time, but I fixed this with an hour of challenges
-Which brings me to point 2, the challenges are great, I like the fact that they unlock weapons and attachments a lot, plus add in that their fun, interesting, and ACTUALLY challenging I could play 3 star challenges all night
-The guns feel and sound like guns, the hip fire, recoil, damage, and accuracy are perfect. I quickly selected the handful of guns that suited my playstyle and jumped in.(Euster AR, Galactic SMG Kriss SMG, Dragnuv rifle, Tomahawk pistol)
-The smart is amazing, Heavies vault quite well and the acrobatics of the Medium and the light are amazing, good job Splash Damage
-Bots aren't actually that bad, they stand around and look dumb while a human might look around but they provide significant challenge on normal and hard
-Melees are balanced and hard to execute, just how I like them
-The whole buffing system works great in Co-op and single player and okay in Multiplayer, but its much further than most developers have gotten
-The objectives act as a front line and allow you to be aware of the battle once you get good
-Im pleased that its difficult to land a headshot on a light
-On xbox textures load somewhat slow but this doesn't annoy me that much
-Also on xbox their is a lag problem, it happened to me like 5 times so far and for 1 second each time, people blew that out of proportion
-At low levels the whole ability thing is kinda lost, I wish some specialty abilities were availible earlier
-I main as an engie and I wish turrets were much stronger but I might be biased
-At times it seems like the shotgun is too in accurate, I love the whole no OHK thing but I wish the shotgun hit further considering its a medium primary
-Meddium seems overpowered, which is good in a way but the gap between the lights speed and the heavys guns isn't big enough to warrant not choosing medium, I wish things turned out differently in that area but for those who love movement and machine guns I guess its a good system
Neutral, the things Im on the fence on
-Lack of dedicated multiplayer, I know ill play this game alot for around 4 months but when Battlefeild 3 comes out I think the clear split between MP and SP will win me over
-The short cutscenes don't explain the story really well, a lot of backstory involved that I wouldn't expect a first timer to understand
-I enjoy the lack of aim assist but it might hurt some of the players coming from other games, maybe slowly decreasing it with every rank would work
All in all Brink is a great game with a strong single play, co-op and multiplayer, definitely worth the 50 USD on pc, and worth the 60 bucks on console if your a fan. If your on the fence wait for the price to drop and then grab it as soon as you can, you'll thank me. The gameplay is fun, exciting, chaotic, and most of all balanced, something missing from quite a few games today.
Pre texture and lag fixes: a solid 8.7
After fixes: the 9.5 it deserves