Oh yes, compensation is very much needed. $60 is a lot money. Money that could have been spent ELSEWHERE on something that doesn't require patching. I wouldn't feel like I was bamboozled out of money has it cost about $29.00. But, $60?! And you choose NOT to give me ALL that I paid for? Oh, no, no no! The devil IS a liar! We can't have that!
So, because of this, I will never buy another Obisidian/Bethesda on the day of release. Never again. I will wait at least 4 months before grabbing a copy. There are plenty of companies out there that know how to issue a product to its customers. This is a crying a shame. A pure SHAME! How dare they misuse the money we gave them and all of the support we have given them! Until they get it right and put the customers first using
some common sense, they won't get another den dime of my money again. Other people can be foolish and do that if they want to, but Blackessnece won't do that. No sir!