PC Vs. Xbox 360 Side by Side Comparison

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:30 pm

The difference is very,very, substle...the only apparent thing is that PC has brighter colors and lighting and slightly better textures but pretty funny though how a 200 dollar piece of hardware can produce almost the same result as a 3000 dollar hardware...lol...This looks like they have cut a lot of the graphics

dude........you can build a 500$ pc that can run Crysis at maxed settings

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hannah sillery
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:19 pm

Plus, the difference is quite huge. Pause the video at any given moment and u will see things like:
-weapon in 360 version is blury while in PC is perfectly crisp and clear
-a LOT of shadows missing in 360 version
-a LOT of objects missing in 360 version (caused by the extremely low draw distance, that causes the pop ins)
-the textures are actually quite a lot worse on 360 then on pc and it's most apparent in the bathroom footage (and not only)
-lighting seems to be way WAY worser on 360. Things like light bulbs not casting light on near by objects, no volumetric light at all, "god rays" toned down a lot etc.
-probably the most important thing that everyone seems to be missing: 30 FPS @ 1152x720 res on x360 VS 60+ FPS @ 1680x1050 res on PC

All in all, pc quality is better by quite a lot. But still, it could've been so much more. Maybe full version will have an "enthusiast" setting and maybe some dx11 features to go with it and crysis 2 will be once again crowned the king of PC.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:23 pm

Plus, the difference is quite huge. Pause the video at any given moment and u will see things like:
-weapon in 360 version is blury while in PC is perfectly crisp and clear
-a LOT of shadows missing in 360 version
-a LOT of objects missing in 360 version (caused by the extremely low draw distance, that causes the pop ins)
-the textures are actually quite a lot worse on 360 then on pc and it's most apparent in the bathroom footage (and not only)
-lighting seems to be way WAY worser on 360. Things like light bulbs not casting light on near by objects, no volumetric light at all, "god rays" toned down a lot etc.
-probably the most important thing that everyone seems to be missing: 30 FPS @ 1152x720 res on x360 VS 60+ FPS @ 1680x1050 res on PC

All in all, pc quality is better by quite a lot. But still, it could've been so much more. Maybe full version will have an "enthusiast" setting and maybe some dx11 features to go with it and crysis 2 will be once again crowned the king of PC.

That's the one thing that I really feel we've lost with this release.

It's a minor complaint, but I did like Crysis being the staple of what PC gaming, as a somewhat exclusive club, had to offer.

Feels almost as if we've been ditched, but alas we must take what we get.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am

Plus, the difference is quite huge. Pause the video at any given moment and u will see things like:
-weapon in 360 version is blury while in PC is perfectly crisp and clear
-a LOT of shadows missing in 360 version
-a LOT of objects missing in 360 version (caused by the extremely low draw distance, that causes the pop ins)
-the textures are actually quite a lot worse on 360 then on pc and it's most apparent in the bathroom footage (and not only)
-lighting seems to be way WAY worser on 360. Things like light bulbs not casting light on near by objects, no volumetric light at all, "god rays" toned down a lot etc.
-probably the most important thing that everyone seems to be missing: 30 FPS @ 1152x720 res on x360 VS 60+ FPS @ 1680x1050 res on PC

All in all, pc quality is better by quite a lot. But still, it could've been so much more. Maybe full version will have an "enthusiast" setting and maybe some dx11 features to go with it and crysis 2 will be once again crowned the king of PC.

That's the one thing that I really feel we've lost with this release.

It's a minor complaint, but I did like Crysis being the staple of what PC gaming, as a somewhat exclusive club, had to offer.

Feels almost as if we've been ditched, but alas we must take what we get.

hehe trust me, every gamer feels that way when one of the best games exclusive to their gaming platform of choice goes multiplat. It gets better in time.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:07 am

The video got 6000 views in one day, I just received some most viewed and most discussed awards. Nice!
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:26 pm


people seem to underestimate the pull Crysis 2 has on the public.....

Crytek is in for a treat when the game releases
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am


people seem to underestimate the pull Crysis 2 has on the public.....

Crytek is in for a treat when the game releases

Agreed, I see great sales across the board regardless of performance comparison.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:20 pm


people seem to underestimate the pull Crysis 2 has on the public.....

Crytek is in for a treat when the game releases

Agreed, I see great sales across the board regardless of performance comparison.


it will reel in so many crowds it is ridiculous. The shooter fanatics, the Sci Fi enthusiasts, those who waited patiently for a console release, the original Crysis fans minus the extreme purists, the level based MP OCD crowd..you name it

And with 12 hours campaign even the SP centric people
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:32 pm

PC version looks very very slightly better.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:21 am

Thanks for vid. Can't wait for the PS3 comparison.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:13 am

No need to compare the PC ,XBox360 and PS3 versions of the game because the fact still stand thats PC wins hands down. The console versions xbox360 comes 1st and PS3 end up 2nd. So PC is the winner.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:39 pm

No need to compare the PC ,XBox360 and PS3 versions of the game because the fact still stand thats PC wins hands down. The console versions xbox360 comes 1st and PS3 end up 2nd. So PC is the winner.

does it matter?

I see it more as an amazing feat being able to put THAT much into the console version
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:06 pm

No need to compare the PC ,XBox360 and PS3 versions of the game because the fact still stand thats PC wins hands down. The console versions xbox360 comes 1st and PS3 end up 2nd. So PC is the winner.

does it matter?

I see it more as an amazing feat being able to put THAT much into the console version

I agree with you because pulling such a feat on console version is not easy thats for sure .
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:24 pm

No need to compare the PC ,XBox360 and PS3 versions of the game because the fact still stand thats PC wins hands down. The console versions xbox360 comes 1st and PS3 end up 2nd. So PC is the winner.

does it matter?

I see it more as an amazing feat being able to put THAT much into the console version

I agree with you because pulling such a feat on console version is not easy thats for sure .

look I see it this way. The only....ONLY time the console version will temporarily outshine the PC v ersion of a game is when the console is BRAND new and (like with the 360 and ps3 did this generation in a very smart move) does not come release with already obsolete hardware. It happened with Oblivion for instance....and even then it is just a temporary situation. After that we ALL know the pc version of a game will always be graphically superior.

and what irks me the most is often you will read reviewers complain about how "the game looks better on PC" shooting the game down as opposed to considering the game's visual for what they are on the hardware they are running on.

from the bottom of my heart Crytek did an AMAZING job

may many developers license your engine for their games
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Matt Terry
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:22 am

Any interest in seeing a comparison of the final version with DX11 and without?
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Kelly John
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:47 pm

Any interest in seeing a comparison of the final version with DX11 and without?

sure....I'm curious about the Tasselation effects if you do not mind showcasing that (since the 360's GPU actually can employ it)
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:09 am

Any interest in seeing a comparison of the final version with DX11 and without?

sure....I'm curious about the Tasselation effects if you do not mind showcasing that (since the 360's GPU actually can employ it)

What? You need DirectX 10.1 for even partial tesselation support...how can the 360 DX9 GPU employ it?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:17 am

Any interest in seeing a comparison of the final version with DX11 and without?

sure....I'm curious about the Tasselation effects if you do not mind showcasing that (since the 360's GPU actually can employ it)

What? You need DirectX 10.1 for even partial tesselation support...how can the 360 DX9 GPU employ it?

you are asking the wrong person, but if you just do a quick google search you will see that several developers actually confirmed it and modders/freelancers too....there is some controversy about why it is not used but it can be done
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:59 am



this is just a blog from a small fish but it also explains that Halo Wars DID use tessellation

anyways...hope this helps
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