Your answer is simple, get it for the PC. Well that is if your current PC is capable for it.
More proof that you shouldn't be playing on the 360. You are not enjoying the experiance on the Xbox, and you really enjoy the features what you get from the PC. So it's simple PC it is for you.
As others have said. Can you not put the PC into the livingroom besides the TV and use it for your monitor? I don't know why people said to put the 360 controller on the PC since you like the precisions the PC gives you. You will not have it without the mouse and keyboard.
I am fine with it on the 360, but it seems you will have a more enjoyable experiance with the PC. So it's the PC. Now if you can't put the PC to your livingroom and or hook it up to your TV, then you have to ask yourself, without playing Skyrim on the PC first, can you get use to the less percision on the 360?
Most TVs of today can have a PC hooked up to them. Does your computer have HDMI output? Does it have (sorry forget the name) Yellow jack output? Can your TV accept these? If so, then you can have your TV as your monitor. Then you can always get a wireless mouse and keyboard, if the wires and cables become a problem for you.
I just don't understand how your experiance differ from your friends who play on the 360. Without counting mods, the experiance should be the same. You go into the room, or you go to that city or you do this quest, they should all be the same. The story is the same. Game play or mechanics is the same. The only difference is if you prefer mouse and keyboard which you do, or game controller which other people do, like me.
So can you have your PC into your livingroom, or where ever your TV, and you spend time with your wife and who ever.