The sooner they release this console the better. It won't affect skyrim, but it means everyone can start to enjoy games at the level they CAN be developed right now. If you've got the $. I'd hate to see the xbox hanging around for another few years, and then see devs designing for "fidelity", leaving those with the hardware twiddling their thumbs waiting for the mainstream gamers to join us in the future.
A great point another poster made, these new consoles are going to be very expensive. Why not come to the dark side of pc gaming for that price? Along with the option of upgrading your graphics card every two years if you so desire? I understand xbox exclusives are very attractive and all, but I've had no shortage of great games to play, and honestly haven't missed anything I regret. And you can always hook up an xbox controller and plug your system into you hd t. If you so desire.
Maybe I will pick up an xbox 360 and all those games I missed in a bargain bin when this new system comes out. I'm a svcker for a good deal