If you can't afford a PC after having ~8 or so years to save, then you have WAY BIGGER priorities than trying to afford a video game. If you saved $15+ a month since the 360 came out you'd be set. It's a hobby, and it costs money to fund. svck it up buttercup.
Fixed that for you.
I thought holiday 2012 at the latest was a more reasonable estimate. Microsoft wants to compete with Nintendo after all, and it isn't that hard to assemble some hardware.
Nintendo has confirmed that the Wii 2 is NOT their next gen platform its more of a bridge to it. That way they attract different fan base that the Wii does not have currently or cannot get like hardcoe/Causal FPS crowd.
But in that German video interview didn't Todd say it's amazing the techniques they've learned and the stuff they can still do with PS3/360? He also said he hopes the current gen is around for a lot longer.
Pretty sure Beth is tired of the limitations of the current gen.. every developer out there is only a few with some ballz speak out about it. But they all know that consoles will buy anything that comes out with a good size ad campaign been like that for years..