About three quarters of the people reading this just left.
I had a stupid name ready an everything.
@OP- Why not some kind of daedric realm or something.
Do you have a favorite realm?
Maybe combine the names of your favorite? I svck when it comes to this kind of stuff.
Edgar Vautrine
Y'know... the guy from Oblivion.
Your chances of getting a gamertag like this, from one of the console's best selling titles, is laughable.
Good luck, though. You're going to need it to find one.
No, you're looking for an idiotic inspiration when you've demanded any ability to set apart the most common names from others.
If you can't understand this, watch who you're calling idiot.
Go ahead. When you put in these inspirations only to have the console say GAMETAG IS ALREADY IN USE, don't come whining to us for further "inspiration".
I am trying to help you, despite your ridiculous demands.
Well, when you've given us squat to work with, what did you expect?
Here's what you can do: head to xbox.com and click on your account. Click "Change Gamertag". Enter a few "inspirations" to see if any of them are taken. You don't get charged until you accept the new name.
As I said, the "X" removal, for example, limits your ability to acquire a name, setting, or basic element of the game that's sold over 7 million units.
Not to be rude, but I'm not checking my "inspirations" for you and you're sure as hell aren't going to appreciate it when you enter them and find out they're already taken.
Those "X....X" accounts are usually because someone else already claimed "....".
That's the point I was making, and why your restrictions are ridiculously insulting to us trying to help you.
Gamertag sponsored by Kotex
Scrib Jelly
Mudcrab Farmer
Quick question, does it cost anything to change the Gamertag? And does it only cost AFTER you change it? (Like if you try to change it but cannot so you don't instead).
Sorry for asking but I've been wanting to fix my Gamertag to be "Jusey1" like it should be rather than "Jusey01"... It annoys me.
Now as for a suggestion... Elder Scrolls themed one?
Note: 94 is optional.