This is the first game i have bought from the store, i am currently in the UK and my game still says 'pre ordered' and when i click it , it tells me im too early.
Is there anything i must do to unlock it?
This is the first game i have bought from the store, i am currently in the UK and my game still says 'pre ordered' and when i click it , it tells me im too early.
Is there anything i must do to unlock it?
this, maybe?
Before you click on Uninstall, check My Games on the xBox to be sure if it has been downloaded already so you don't have to do it again.
Sort your Games by size and see how big it is. If it's small, it's just a placeholder. If it's over 20+ Gb, it's downloaded.
I get the same message as well. 9.01PM PST USA time is when it releases for me. I suggest waiting till then in your local converted time. I keep hoping they will pull the switch early since EU PC and Australion players are currently playing/unpacking/updating, yet us Xbox players have to wait.
well on my game it did say 'released at 12.01 gmt' so that was 35 minutes ago.
And I have the full game downloaded, the whole 28gb.
I'm re-installing it now and probabaly wait till 1am to see it it unlocks. if not, I'm going to bed. hopefully will work when I wake back up!