im primarily a PC gamer so multiplatform games will still be on my PC. both systems have exclusives though although i dont know how good they are. i already have a Wii but im getting sick of raymans rabitts and that only really fun when i take it over to someone house and we all get plastered.
racing games are the ones i would play the most on the console cause frankly they svck on PC. i also like playing RPGs as well so if there are any really good exclusive RPGs for either console i would like to hear about them. i dont mind JRPGs like the Persona games but the over the top goofy looking ones i probably wont play. shooters will be on my PC.
im getting a bluray drive for my PC so that doesnt play into it either. both PS3 and 360 seem to have sorted out their heating and hardware issues but im very interested in how long the latest models of either system have lasted.
i should say at this point that PS3 has a very slight edge with demons souls and gran turismo, but XBOX has Forza which ive heard is better albeit with fewer cars and less optimization.

edit: both systems look subpar to my monster of a PC build so whether one is slightly better looking than the other doesnt really matter to me. its mostly the games im interested in.