» Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:09 pm
Unfortunately, that just sounds like something the editor is hoping for, without any actual evidence to believe it's true, other than lore which was established long before Skyrim's development (which we all know can be misleading). I'm not saying werewolves won't be in, I'm just saying we don't know anything yet... and this is anything but confirmation... because if the editor could have confirmed them, he would have... and it wouldn't be a "maybe", it'd be a "HOLY CRAP! WEREWOLVES ARE IN!!!".
I will add though, if werewolves make their way into any TES game, it should be Skyrim. I mean, come on. The setting is perfect, it's in the lore, they were in Solstheim (extremely close to Skyrim), the fans are begging for them... so if they're not in Skyrim, what's the point in ever having them?