Will there be a Lobby System in the full game where I can set up my own game,
and most important, where I'm able to see the real time ping of all players in my lobby right away,
for me to be able to kick anyone with a bad connection out right away?
After all:
What good would it be to have the ability to view player's real time ping (at least displayed in bars) by pressing start during the game, if no one would have the possibility to kick people out before the game starts?
or alternatively
- Will there be a Matchmaking system where nobody has the ability to decide who's gonna participate in a game? I don't hope so cause it doesn't seem to work well in other games.
- Or will there even be a didicated Server?, where no one would have to host with their own (most times crappy) connection!? THAT'S THE STANDARD WITH PC!!!
I believe when games on console cost way more than on PC, people deserve to have a dedicated server!!!

What good is the BEST game in the world, when you get ZERO support for it !?