I'm releasing four final versions of a mod I uploaded a few months ago.
I moved the boat to make it more compatible with another mod, added new companions, (two companions per faction, one faction per character), or 6 possible companions, the Quarra ability was glitched it meant to give half as much bonus damage as orc berserking but it wasn't cause I didn't know to alter the perk until now. Merchants, and Faction specific armor have also been added. The NPCs of each faction now look distinctively different (especially sorcerers and agents) due to their unique armor, and you'll often be able to tell a vampires bloodline apart depending on what armor they are wearing. They don't all wear the same outfit though each vampire wears some specific bit of their faction armor at least.
The Quarra are wearing the gold coated armor, the armor/robes/shields with skulls on them are worn by the Aundae, and the black and white armor which in structure looks similar to the Dark Brotherhood armor is worn by the Berne.
I finally fixed the vampires buggy sleep routines, so they'll usually function properly now. The key was I simply made them come out at 1 AM and head inside around 5 AM, that solved a lot of problems, even though it was a big different from my original plans. While the east coast of Skyrim will now be attacked at night time, you are more likely to encounter Berne vampires a bit deeper inside of Skyrim, because their stealth helps them infiltrate deeper inside.
There is unenchanted armor, cheaper enchanted armor which is good for a low level character for sale at about 11 thousand gold, and there is enchanted armor with very good enchantments for sale for about 60-80 thousand gold (so it's not too easy to get it), the enchantments of this stuff aren't any enchantments found on artifacts, and are just default in game enchantments, so they aren't any more powerful than stuff in the default game. The Quarra faction armor is stronger than most heavy armor but weaker than Ebony armor, and much heavier, as it's coated in gold, and it makes sense Quarra vampires would generally wear very heavy armor.
New creatures have also been added, the Quarra have a new Quarra Great Hound that is a new type of dog that's roughly equally as powerful as a sabrecat, the Berne get an otherwise ordinary transparent dwarven spider that is heavily resistant to magic attacks, and the Aundae get phantom spiders with one spell that summons about 3-4 weak phantom spiders (equally as powerful as the usual small spiders), or at master conjuration a massive phantom spider. The massive phantom spider is weaker than a frost atronach in melee combat and will lose against it in all likelihood, but is stronger in melee combat than the storm atronach is, and it has a weak but useful ranged attack, it's initial jumping attack also does a lot of damage. Both phantom spiders are immune to frost damage being ghosts.
The Aundae vampires also now have access to scrolls they can buy from the Aundae merchant who will teleport them safely to the Aundae base. Each faction now has 3 bounties left by the faction leaders, which you can find on a wall nearby said leaders. The scrolls explain where the targets are, why they want them killed, and other such details. You will be awarded gold, and a few items for killing them, although these items are either faction specific stuff, or stuff that exists in the default game.
The companions are Hellnar's Thrall (the only non-vampire companion) who summons phantom spiders, and uses scalding hot poison spells, these spells on a target with no resistance do as much damage as default fire spells do, but instead half the damage is fire, and half the damage is poison, and the spell itself looks different. Hellnar's thrall does a lot of AOE damage with his main projectile spell Scalding Venom Orb, but has low melee damage, and unimpressive health.. And Apprentice Aundae Cryomancer an Aundae vampire who summons frost atronachs and uses frost spells.
For the Berne the companions are Ennassean Mirel also the fastest companion and the weaker brother of the Berne leader Senynd Mirel who is an archer with a spell called shadowgrasp that paralyzes targets for only one second, and causes minor shock damage, the spell is expensive and can't be recast very often. As well as the companion Apprentice Berne Archer without shadowgrasp who is weaker like the unique named companion like Cryomancer Apprentice, but on the tradeoff respawns if he dies. Ennassean Mirel also has the light step perk so he won't set off traps.
For Quarra the companions are Yazgargzu Shazog the Quarra Leaders weaker sister who has very similar abilities but weaker stats to be a balanced companion, she is a two handed specialized warrior with higher carry weight than all the other companions, and the highest health. The other Quarra companion is Apprentice Quarra Berserker, who is essentially a weaker version of Yazgargzu but respawns, and carries the second most weight, with the second highest health, this companion is also two hand weapon specialized. (Both Quarra companions use a non playable ring to heighten their carry weight, so you might want to try to avoid making them wear other rings, it's to add immersion/realism that the Quarra vampires would have the highest carry weight).
The greater companions (the ones with unique names) have a max level of 70 and minimal level of 20, the lesser companions stay at level 20 forever. The difference is when you use a unique companion while they are protected they don't respawn and aren't essential, so if they die on you, you lose them forever. The lesser companions respawn forever though. High reward/Higher risk type thing.
The vampire leaders who are almost impossible to defeat- let alone get to without getting killed if you aren't of their bloodline, have also had thousands of gold, and high level enchanted loot added to them, so it's rewarding if you somehow manage to assassinate the leaders of the other factions. All of the faction unique creatures can be summoned, but only the Aundae faction creatures don't have a cooldown on their summon. I also added various trap doors mostly to the east Skyrim coast, and the Morrowind vampires will come out at night, and fight each other, as well as attack whoever they come across. Lastly the Aundae now have thralls you are likely to encounter most of them on Xemorah Island, but they have now invaded Skyrim as well.
These thralls are very weak though, and certainly aren't an unfair advantage for the game, and won't be very powerful companions, they are mostly there only to be distractions, and for roleplay value. I also tried to ensure that the vampires/thralls were fairly far away from any default cities so they don't kill important NPCs.
Also new player homes have been added. These will be inside of your respective vampire bases, and connected to the cell with the recruitable followers. Each of these player cells will be a no-reset zone, so you can safely decorate your stuff in them. Elinunab Sanctuary for Aundae players, Galthumun Residence for Berne players, and Vodeera Arena Barracks for Quarra players. Each also has a cattle inside of a tiny prison you can feed in, to prevent the glitch of being attacked by your own faction while other faction comrades see you. To further accentuate faction differences as is a major part of my mod, the Quarra room is the only one that gets mannequins. A new variety of burning poison spells have been added, the same ones Helnar-Jo's thrall uses, to a spell tome, in a hidden location on Xemorah Islands. The fire damage half part of the spell damage is effected by talents. It isn't better than fire spells, and isn't worse than fire spells, it's just different and has more utility.
The companions are in Galthumun Luxury Depths, Vodeera Arena Forging Room, and Elinunab Laboratory, all connected to the door leading to the player home. Also all of the spell tomes to summon the faction unique creatures are also within these cells.
You don't have to be Aundae to get the spell but it will be a little easier if you are... It's mainly intended to be a reward in my mod for searching around very carefully, again on par with the good old days of Morrowind. Getting to the follower/player specific cells will require a key which you will find being held by a skeletal hand in the same room you get your bloodline specific potion in, to force specific choices. (I highly recommend you make sure you get the key along with the blood potion before using a one time use scroll to teleport out of the blood chamber, you only get to visit the blood chamber once.
Lastly the Aundae base has gotten a major makeover, aesthetically speaking. I wanted it to look pretty, but I also felt like trees inside of the cave might be a bit immersion breaking/seem a bit lore unfriendly/unrealistic as well. So I decided to replace the trees with stuff from Blackreach including glowing mushrooms, and I added a bunch of blackreach vines on the ground. I think it's more lore friendly, more realistic, and looks much better anyways. Also the vampires outside of the bases have been nerfed as they seemed a bit too powerful, while the vampires near their leaders have been buffed and had Elite added to their names, I feel it makes sense, adds more diversity to the mod, and makes the mod more enjoyable, I also had to nerf the outdoors vampires if they were invading Skyrim's coast.
I also added a destroyed village to my mod near Lealmal, this village was mostly added to add immersion so don't expect a whole lot from it, it's related to the storyline in my mod, but you'll figure out more about that by reading ingame books if you can find them. Lastly be forewarned that my mod does alter the navmesh of BrineHammerExterior02 (Tamriel[-1,29]), the reason why some of the navmesh was altered, was so the vampires would usually jump out of a trap door to attack at night, then go back to their homes by daylight. I also did a little bit of improvement to the exterior to make it look much better in certain spots, though you may or may not notice it. On a minor note I also improved the lighting in a few cells.
I feel these new changes will bring back some features missed in Morrowind to some degree. Specifically being forced to choose a faction, distinctively faction unique armor , and there being severe lasting consequences for what faction you choose. (Much like the vampire factions, I also really missed the Great Houses, and I wanted to add even more faction conflict than what Morrowind had in some ways, I've seen similar complaints, so hopefully many long term Morrowind fans will like features I've added to the mod).
The new Berne rooms including the player room are located in Galthumun accessible through a new door added which is very close to the door leading to the cattle prison (Galthumun Cattle Storage), the door to the new Quarra rooms is at the bottom of the stairs you walk down after entering Vodeera Caves Grand Arena, the door to the new Aundae room in Elinunab Upper Chamber, upstairs in the hall to the right of the Aundae leader Helnarr-Jo Sirahir's throne. It's recommended that you download XemoralIslandMassiveUpdateNerfBatBetterVamps if you have Dawnguard and better vampires, or XemoralIslandMassiveUpdateNoDawnguardORBetterVampsNerfBat if you don't but choose whichever one you like best.
Here's a link to the updated mod.
And since they mean a lot to many people, here are screenshots.
Aundae Agents vs Berne Agents differences in armor. http://i.imgur.com/PdG7No9.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/iQi2y1R.jpg Berne Sorcerer vs Aundae Sorcerer armor differences.
http://i.imgur.com/IUgTCOm.jpg The most important members of the Aundae clan.
http://i.imgur.com/05GxTo4.jpg The most powerful thrall and companion available to Aundae vampires.
http://i.imgur.com/jwb3CtX.jpg Another Aundae thrall.
http://i.imgur.com/Yu9KBdp.png Aundae vampire wearing improved robe in an improved version of the old cave.
More pictures of the improved Aundae cave. http://i.imgur.com/KCIS5Tv.png http://i.imgur.com/odzRsME.png
http://i.imgur.com/kITLq8o.jpg The most important members of the Berne clan.
http://i.imgur.com/VYXKN8E.jpg The most important members of the Quarra clan.
Another image of the new Quarra armor. The non-gold Pauldrons not included, and are not in any way a part of armor from my mod by the way though. http://i.imgur.com/DbRCNpb.png
http://i.imgur.com/NZsErbI.png Screenshot of Quarra bounties.
http://i.imgur.com/XJlCUF2.jpg Screenshot of the new Quarra Great Hound, a dog augmented by Quarra blood who is roughly equally powerful as a sabrecat.
http://i.imgur.com/p9cbLti.jpg The new location of the boat leading to Xemorah island, moved for greater mod compatability.
http://i.imgur.com/iGVn1wM.png The new Aundae only phantom spider. Coming in multiple sizes, and varying levels of power depending on how good your conjuration skill is.