Basically I want to make a teleport spell to teleport me to a specific location in the world (in my case the master bed room of
the Shadowcrest Vineyard house). I already managed to make a spell (which says 'Hello World'to the player when cast)
so that part works fine. However, when I select shadowcrest vineyard and also select and activate my own mod I now
want to create an XMarker to mark the location of where to teleport the player. So I drag and drop an XMarker in that
bed room and press 'f'' to fix it on the ground. I edit the xmarker to give it a more sensible name (0jtyTeleportMarker in
my case) and then I confirm all.
After that I try to save and exactly at this moment TES Construction set crashes. I must say that this construction set
is rather unstable and easy to crash.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance,