XxHavokxX's Settlement - Part 2

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 pm

Link to the original thread: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=949317&st=180


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Find Member's Posts Jan 29 2009, 03:31 PM Post #1


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From: the gunshine state :\

You are a hand on a settlement, lets say in cyrodil i need a limited amount of players. the "settlement" starts off as just a Main house a supply house and a stable.there is a dense forest near by and to the south is a known silver mine. The idea is to harvest crops, to defend the settlement from creatures and animals,along with feeding yourself and employees im pretty sure you know what im getting at

its understandable if we dont fill all roles but we may need to augment what you want to fit the game.

Aulakauss is my second-in-command so follow his rule, k?

Ranch Master:Ikarion Dellestorn-XxHavokxX
Spy master:Jamar Valthuras-Mr. Manafayce
Guard Captain:Erik Du'gaal-XxHavokxX
Gurad 1:lIan Schepulture-Dont remember >.>
Guard 2:Basher-woooly mamoth
gamemaster:Colinion "Long Bow" Hayus-Faldom
Stablemaster:Conivicous rex-XxHavokxX
Hedge Mage:raggi-!999
Peasant 1:Kyrdrav Nihkert-cant remember >.>
Peasant 2:Sell-Faldom
Peasant 3:Teem-Keeus-Alaukauss
Peasant 4:Tamikus-Alaukauss
Peasant 5:Ardy-chris
maid 1:Ashikme-Alaukauss
Maid 2:
Maid 3:
Armorer:Ragnarr coldblood-Ragnokk

15 lbs of food a day
10 lb of wood a day
900 gallons of water a day

129 lbs of salted deer
3 bushels of apples
4 barrels of tobacco
600 lbs of wood
1,200 gallons of water
20 iron long swords
one dozen sets of clothing
2 horses
gold (2,430)

Product:4lbs of wheat
1barrel of tobacco
2 deer(200 lbs of meat)

settlement so far

All newcomers will be subject to the hierarchy present at the moment in this settlement. Ikarion, our leader, has full jurisdiction over any matter, and his powers supercede those of any other official or person of power in the settlement. You will follow his orders, and treat him with respect. This goes for whomever else may come to lead the settlement in time.

For the first few days of a newcomer's residence here, he or she will unconditionally accept that he or she will be watched by myself, the Spymaster, in order to ascertain his or her true intentions. If I find you worthy of my, and our, trust, you will be left in peace.

If any newcomer, or resident, is found to be contravening the basic rules of residence in this settlement (these will be further elaborated by the captain of the guard), he or she will be subject to a punishment deemed fitting by the captain of the guard, and Ikarion, whether that be permanent exile, or death.

These rules should include - damage to property, assault, murder, theft, fraud, [censored], Blackmail, Smuggling, Or conspiracy to commit the aforementioned.

This is to be deemed as law throughout the confines of this settlement, and applies to any and all of its residents and guests.


Jamar Valthuras, Spymaster
Ikarion Dellstorm,Lord

This post has been edited by XxHavokxX: Feb 17 2009, 03:36 PM

I have copied the original starting thread as Rohugh locked it for 200 posts - Great going guys!
As far as I am concerned this is still XxHavokxX's rp - he said he wanted it to be an everyday thing, but he has been offline several days for reasons unknown so this is to keep it going for those who are enjoying it. Besides we can't drop it in the middle of a full scale battle.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

OOC: Yeah, Havok might be a little pissed, but he never told us he was offline for a few days. Anyway.

"The show must go on!" ~ Shakesphere.

IC: Balim took a step back, yells of people were heard throughout the nearby area. Balim had dropped his cleaver upon the blow to his side. He and the goblin locked eyes. For a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, they stared at each other. Then the goblin gave out a shriek and leapt at the Butcher. Balim charged forward and they colided, flying to the ground. The goblins axe had flew away. Balim would have hope If no other goblins came. Flashes of light and the twangs of arrows implied that the mage was nearby. Balim punched the goblin in the face and continued to punch. The golibns seemed to regain it's senses and bit into Balim's neck as it scrawled him with it's long sharp claws. They rolled around on the ground fighting. Balim barely noticed it. But rain had begun to fall(OOC: For a more dramatic setting).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

Loads of people who've joined haven't posted once. I have a theory, that a few days ago, there was a great time rift, and half of the members qwere sent to one universe and the other half to another.

Hav0k most be in the other universe.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:02 am

OOC I'm never sure what is correct ettiquet in these situations - but what Havok says goes - when he manages to escape from the Time rift - personally I blame Akatosh for listening to Vivec! Meanwhile:

IC damn rain - lucky I'm in this tree - thought raggi as he continued to shower the last of his arrows down on the unfortunate gobboes.

Then he would have to resort to magic.

Wait a minute - there are arrows sticking into the trail of gobboes I killed a few minutes ago - I could salvage a few from the corpses of the dead ones with luck.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 pm

OOC I'm never sure what is correct ettiquet in these situations - but what Havok says goes - when he manages to escape from the Time rift - personally I blame Akatosh for listening to Vivec! Meanwhile:

IC damn rain - lucky I'm in this tree - thought raggi as he continued to shower the last of his arrows down on the unfortunate gobboes.

Then he would have to resort to magic.

Wait a minute - there are arrows sticking into the trail of gobboes I killed a few minutes ago - I could salvage a few from the corpses of the dead ones with luck.

OOC: Raggi might not realise it, but you can't fire a bow in rain. The bowstrig soaks up the water and becomes damp and unfireable.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 pm

Sig sighed in relief as the rain washed the goblin blood out of his eyes, allowing him to regain control of the rapidly worsening situation. The smell of unwashed bodies left the air as the rain purified it. Sigormund could breathe again, but the ground was becoming a nearly impassible quagmire of mood and black blood.

Sig paused as he spotted the butcher on the ground, grappling with a goblin. He hacked his way toward the wounded man and drove his sword through the head of his goblin assailant, stopping only inches from Balim's face.

Sig took a moment to assess the battle. The goblins were gradually being beaten back, he saw with pride, no small feat for a grand total of seven m-

Sigormund was jolted forward slightly, staggering on his feet. He looked downward to see a rusty arrowhead sticking out from the center of his chest. seconds later, it was joined by another.

The world tilted. Sigormund's head hit the mud with a muffled smack. A goblin stepped on it as he hurried off to a new opponent, driving it deeper into the muck.

A hero's death, he thought. Then all was black.

OOC: Sig probably didn't die. also, I propose a -3 months later- when havok gets back.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:59 pm

OOC: Raggi might not realise it, but you can't fire a bow in rain. The bowstrig soaks up the water and becomes damp and unfireable.

OOC hint - "lucky I'm in this tree" - tree, leaves, branches = shelter. Are there gobboes with bows in Ob? The ones in Mournhold only used swords, clubs and shields.

guess we shall have to wait and see - at least there is a thread for everyone to come back to

IC the rain worsened and then Sig goes down. raggi sees that the strangers have given a good account of themselves and abandoning the arrow retrieval idea he puts his bow down in the shelter of the branch above and moves back a bit around the bole of the tree for cover in case the archer spots him. Then raggi shouts out loud: MOVE ON UP YOU MEN, WE'RE THE FIVE BEST COHORTS OF THE FIGHTING FIRST LEGION AND HEAVY ARMOR IS AS NOTHING TO US THERE'S A SMALL BAND OF GOBBOES JUST UP AHEAD AND A RATION OF BRANDY FOR EACH MAN THAT BRINGS ME A GOBBO HEAD. NOW MOVE IT! FORWARD THE LEGION! And he starts casting his little fireballs at the eyes of the gobboes he can see in the intermittent light of the now spluttering fire. Gobboes start staggering around, bumping into each other, either blinded by the bright flash of light or with eyeballs lightly poached

Bewildered by this new turn of events - the gobboes pause - whenever they think they have gained the advantage another dangerous adversary appears from nowhere, first an invisible archer who kills their warriors and then their chief, then a mad butcher and a berserk Nord with the archer attacking again and now an Imperial Battlemage is upon them with large force of heavily armoured Legionnaries and the mage is casting fireballs from the treetops. Even the four victims turned around and charged them instead of running away. The strangers taking heart mount a ferocious charge that finally breaks the will of the dismayed gobboes and sends the remainder scurrying back to wherever they came from.

raggi cautiously retrieves his bow and unstrings it - placing the string in the watertight pouch he keeps for the purpose. Then he runs to Sig and tips one of his better healing potions into his open mouth. That should at least keep him from death's door. He hands another lesser potion to the astoundingly courageous butcher and crosses over to where one of the strangers is tending the fire and another has erected a makeshift ring of gobboe weapons on which he has hung a bunch of wet gobboe-clothing to shelter the now smaller blaze from the rain.

Two others carefully take up Sig's unconscious form and place him on yet more hides next to the now strengthening little blaze. raggi looks for a suitable bush and using his axe chops a few of the longer branches off, swiftly trims them and sets up a larger frame to which the recumbent Sig is moved ...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 pm

i'd appreciate it if all new posts were redirected to the new thread i have created,and i apologize for the absense,problems with my fiance and another girl >.<
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 am

You got it.

Moderator please close this thread - it has served it's purpose - ty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 pm

You got it.

Moderator please close this thread - it has served it's purpose - ty

OK. :)
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