If it's in regard to the person you can only see half of... so what? You can barely even see them, so it's nothing to say "yaaaaay" over.
I think people are happy to learn that we've seen a picture of a Redguard. Though I agree it's nothing to be excited over, it's not like we get a good look at the Redguard in question, and besides, Redguards are just humans, albeit ones with darker skin than the other human races in the setting. I figure that if the Nords look good enough, chances are the other human races, Redguards included, will look alright too, short of pure decisions in art style or just incompetent modeling, there really isn't that much you can do to mess up normal looking humans. I'd be more concerned with races that would look significantly different from the normal humans we've seen so far, like say, Khajiit and Argonians, because there's a lot more room to ruin them, even if the human characters look alright, there's no guarentee the obviously non-human races will look good.