I just noticed this post on page 2. Exactly. freaking exactly. I think you actually understand my thought process. Marry me, lol that was a joke but yeah.
Why be forced to stop playing when you could continue? I know I know all you like throwing "well you can just reload a save" back at my face. Well you shouldn't have to reload a save, you should be able to keep ALL your progress and ALL those little trinkets you picked up doing the last quest.
Its more than that really. I've always kinda rolled my eyes at slide show endings in games.
Does having all the time you spent amount to nothing more than an alternate flavor text really feel that meaningful? Certainly doesn't to me. Why should I as a gamer care if a particular settlement in the game thrives or is wiped out if I never get to experience it? Sure you got Ron Pearlman's velvety voice telling you about it, but me, I'd rather go out there and see it and experience it.
Part of me tends to feel like this sort of ending is just laziness on the part of developers, but that isn't giving them enough credit I think. Still, I'd prefer to see the outcomes reflected in the game world. Would it be challenging? Sure, but it certainly isn't unobtainable. I don't think it is unreasonable to ask developers to challenge themselves.
Does it take away from the story telling? No of course not. The MQ still ends, it can still be epic, and unless the story ends with (a rather played out and frankly boring) death of the main character, then they obviously lived on to do other things. They didn't just dematerialize after the MQ ended.
I think its just an issue of perspective. Some folks see the MQ as the end all be all of the game. Once its done, you're done. Others see the game as more than just a task list to complete. Its certainly why I prefer open ended games to being lead around on an amusemant park ride.
In the end though, the course has already been charted. FO:NV will have an end, and I'm sure I'll roll my eyes at it just as I do to 98% of the games out there. Doesn't mean it won't be a fun and excellent game.