in my opinion, i dont see the point in a game ending so you have to start again, i like to play the game to the end, and KEEP playing, untill i feel the need to start again, i dont liek being forced to start again, you know, like i liek to buy a game and get the time worth the money i spent, not play a months time on it, finish the story then have to do it ALL again, when i could have the same character that im used to and with all the stuff, and just roam and make my own story up. i hate the fact games end it defeats the fact of game freedom, just having to follow the game untill it wants you to start it again, i mean i respect games that end, like Dragon ages origins, MW2, Halo 1,2,3 , but in my opinion, they arnt GREAT games, i liek to spend more time doing stuff i didnt finish (aka) quests. i like to explore and find new things, new stuff/more equiptment, armour, guns, and people. i like to destroy things, kill people, and so on, this is why i think NEW VEGAS should carry on after just like broken steel

and this is why i voted for it to carry on after the main plot