People are so over-entitled these days.
People are so over-entitled these days.
I completely Agree with you Njordr, However, CoC did get a statue (Its by the North Exit of Bruma, it appearsd after the Battle of Bruma and actually matches whatever gear you were using during the Battle of Bruma)
While I think Dovahkiin deserves more of a reputation for saving the world, there's still the problem that not really anyone witnessed him doing so..
It was just a completely normal day in Skyrim, people going on with their lives. suddenly: "Hey Guys, I saved the world!"... "eh, what?"
Only the Greybeards and the Blades actually knew of the prophecy of Dovahkiin saving the world from Alduin, everyone else just didn't know him or just saw him as a Big black dragon.
maybe if Dovahkiin had saved the people from a disaster IN Skyrim that would have potentially destroyed it, maybe then he would realistically get praised.
Yeah, this is pretty much my thought process as well for my current character that finished Dragonborn first. That and Alduin is immune to Bend Will.
I'm going to feel bad-ass proving to Esbern I'm Dragonborn by activating Dragon Aspect.
I didn't save all of Tamrial to be adored by the public, I did it so that everyone can carry on without fear. Now that that is done not only am I perfectly fine with fading into obscurity I prefer it. But I guess a statue would be nice.
A True Hero does not do what he does for Fame, Recognition, or reward. He does it simply because it needs to be done!