One of the best responses so far. I agree on most things you touch on. But could Bethesda, being as big as they are, not afford to make another disc or two if they really wanted too?
See, for an open world game though where there's no loading between the large area of the main world, multiple discs wouldn't really work. For the PC, I am sure it could since you install it to the hard drive, but for the consoles, you would need disc swapping; and that would get annoying. It's also not JUST about the size (though I am sure it's part of it) but the production costs. Reading a script might seem easy, but we have no idea how many takes they did to get everything perfect. The big name actors would also cost quite a bit to get them on the project. I am sure that the largest chunk of the budget went to the voice talent more than it went for the programmers, artists, level designers and testers. Not to mention all the employees they have that really don't do anything with the games themselves (human resources, management, etc). The larger the staff, the more the production cost. Of course, with more staff, you can get more content in a shorter amount of time, too. So again, it all comes down to trade offs.
I don't see most developers as greedy; they just need to expand their profit margins to continue going. Just look at 3D Realms. They made BILLIONS off of Duke Nukem 3D. However, they squandered all that going back and starting DNF from scratch because of poor leadership within the company, as well as fronting other developers sums of cash for their projects which either ultimately were cancelled or failed miserably once it reached the market. However, you do also get anomalies like Mojang with Minecraft that are very simple in nature, made only by a couple of people, and for whatever reason, explodes with popularity netting the developers millions of dollars with almost no overhead costs. They then take that profit and invest it back into their company; expanding, hiring more staff, opening new projects, etc.
A lot of arguments on the web, especially about games and development, come from people who are more interested in PLAYING the games, and want something that, realistically isn't possible and they are ignorant to many facts; either willfully or not. You have to understand, too, that many of these people who spout things about greedy developers and developers who do not care about the fans are also younger people who don't think things through completely. I used to be the same way when I was younger. I can't fault them for it, and I'm always around trying to point these truths out so that they can make better, more legitimate complaints about the games that actually HELP the developers make choices that more people will enjoy. It doesn't always work; some people are too bullheaded to listen to reason and that, in turn, sometimes upsets me and, since I am only human, I get angry and verbal about it. I've been keeping a level head more and more these days though.
Erm... I think I am heading off in a completely different direction with this tangent now, so I am just gonna end this post now XD