» Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:46 pm
I remember when I first played Morrowind. It was the GOTY edition and my brother had picked it up after hearing good things about it. I was 12 at the time.
The game had an amazing introduction. The boat, Jiub, guards treating you like crap, people falling out of the sky, the funny (what would you do?) questions and the Fargoth experience.
It was different than the latest two games in that it wasn't so intense. It was calm, funny, humbling and unique. Not the typical way most games start. I liked how OB and Skyrim started too, but Morrowind's introduction to its world was my favorite and the way I think a game should start. It was also my first introduction into Elderscrolls.
Anyway, it got boring after that. I remember it taking me forever to get to Balmora, being turned off by the combat, graphics and another fetch quest from Casius Cosades. Plus, I thought the land was a dump. The world seemed empty... Nothing really going on...
Truth is, I just didn't understand it. It wasn't until I rented a room, went to sleep and was awoken by a "strange noise" that I had awoken to Morrowind's awesomeness.
I spend the next few days hunting down the Dark Brotherhood. I was in love with Morrowind and from then on I even came to understand it's world and appreciate it for what it was.
Want to know something funny? I managed to complete the Main quest without ever doing the Main quest (Still haven't done it). I just heard about this Dagoth Ur guy, thought he must be important, found out where he was located, used cheats to get there and then killed him. Suddenly a cinematic occurs and everyone is calling me the Neverane.
I could say a lot of good stuff about OB (DLC and expansions included) and Skyrim too. I could also mention really bad things about all 3 as well.
Point is, I like all 3 games just as much.
I feel like I've been scarfing down Skyrim too fast though and need to take a break and then go back and just let it all sink in.
I've yet to understand Skyrim and appreciate it's beauty like I have the past two games, but I'm sure I will. In fact, I want to play the DB questline again. It was really fun and ironic if you compare its ending to OB's beginning.