So... Yeah... about that Morrowind...

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:44 am

Fortunately, we don't have an either/or situation. You can love both games. Morrowind had a sense of whimsy, weirdness, and originality. It turned off a lot of people (OMG, it's so BROWN!), but it lit up my imagnation like fireworks, and I feel like I lived in Vvardenfell for a couple years. It was just deep enough for players to imbue it with even more depth. I enjoyed Oblivion, but in aiming for a standard high fantasy setting, it sacrificed some of the weirdness of Morrowind. Skyrim seems to have struck a good balance, in my opinion. There's a true depth and distinctiveness to the setting, but it's still accessible to those who would be weirded out by riding giant fleas by daedric ruins designed by M. C. Escher. Morrowind will always have a special place in my heart, but Skyrim is a true worthy successor.

I feel the same way in a certain perspective which is the entire reason I bought another copy of Morrowind in the first place.

Though I just couldn't help but laugh when I went into third person to see my long legged Orc stabbing wildly at the mudcrab before him with his staff as if it were a battering ram. It was pretty hilarious and I couldn't bare the loading screens for more than fifteen minutes before I popped Skyrim in.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:42 pm

I never went to the red mountain. I traveled near Seyda Neen and other capitals. I always killed the first dark elf in Seyda and made his house my own. :P

Like I said, It could be my lack of experience with the game but I still don't see it.

So, basically what you're saying is that you never really played Morrowind. Because if you didn't quest, and you just hung around cities, you don't know what you missed out on.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:27 am

flame bait indeed...

:flamethrower: OP you seem like you're getting the full experience out of these games.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:32 am

So, basically what you're saying is that you never really played Morrowind. Because if you didn't quest, and you just hung around cities, you don't know what you missed out on.

As the original post states I was younger when I first got Morrowind and it was my first Elder Scrolls title and the first RPG of its kind that I had ever played. I enjoyed running around and just collecting things to put in my house. I did so for ages. I might revisit the quest line one day when I'm done with Skyrim. It's doubtful due to the horrid loading screens, but I might.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:44 am

As the original post states I was younger when I first got Morrowind and it was my first Elder Scrolls title and the first RPG of its kind that I had ever played. I enjoyed running around and just collecting things to put in my house. I did so for ages. I might revisit the quest line one day when I'm done with Skyrim. It's doubtful due to the horrid loading screens, but I might.

Loading screens? Are you playing the game on the Xbox?
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:46 pm

I remember when I first played Morrowind. It was the GOTY edition and my brother had picked it up after hearing good things about it. I was 12 at the time.

The game had an amazing introduction. The boat, Jiub, guards treating you like crap, people falling out of the sky, the funny (what would you do?) questions and the Fargoth experience.

It was different than the latest two games in that it wasn't so intense. It was calm, funny, humbling and unique. Not the typical way most games start. I liked how OB and Skyrim started too, but Morrowind's introduction to its world was my favorite and the way I think a game should start. It was also my first introduction into Elderscrolls.

Anyway, it got boring after that. I remember it taking me forever to get to Balmora, being turned off by the combat, graphics and another fetch quest from Casius Cosades. Plus, I thought the land was a dump. The world seemed empty... Nothing really going on...

Truth is, I just didn't understand it. It wasn't until I rented a room, went to sleep and was awoken by a "strange noise" that I had awoken to Morrowind's awesomeness.

I spend the next few days hunting down the Dark Brotherhood. I was in love with Morrowind and from then on I even came to understand it's world and appreciate it for what it was.

Want to know something funny? I managed to complete the Main quest without ever doing the Main quest (Still haven't done it). I just heard about this Dagoth Ur guy, thought he must be important, found out where he was located, used cheats to get there and then killed him. Suddenly a cinematic occurs and everyone is calling me the Neverane.

I could say a lot of good stuff about OB (DLC and expansions included) and Skyrim too. I could also mention really bad things about all 3 as well.

Point is, I like all 3 games just as much.

I feel like I've been scarfing down Skyrim too fast though and need to take a break and then go back and just let it all sink in.

I've yet to understand Skyrim and appreciate it's beauty like I have the past two games, but I'm sure I will. In fact, I want to play the DB questline again. It was really fun and ironic if you compare its ending to OB's beginning.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:25 am

Loading screens? Are you playing the game on the Xbox?

Yes. I am. Admittedly I don't remember the loading screens being as frequent on the original xbox as they are on my 360 but it's almost unbearable. Every ten steps or so I would say.
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Mel E
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:10 am

Morrowind had something more than Skyrim. Skyrim doesn't lack it, in fact it has some of it. I'm talking about this tediousness you mentioned.

For some it is unnecessarily limiting to not have a marker for the goal. Other's interpret this as challenge: Finding the correct npc or location with directions on a note and a fogged out map area, wandering into an area that you are too weak for and deciding that you can just make it through the difficulty because thank Redoran you have some Sujamma, getting to know a character based on how they look and their location in the game.

Some people love these restrictions. That is why we have mods for Oblivion and Fallout 3 to make them more 'choreful' and involved.

Well, yes - and no.
We might be able to turn off the various map and quest markers and magical compass always showing you to the exact inch you need to go to.
Problem is that would make the game near impossible to play, because the NPC's no longer give actual directions to the place. There's no "Head down the path east, when you see the dead tree turn left, and continue until you meet the strange rock formation". NPC conversation basicly goes like this "I got quest, you want quest? OK, go to ThisPlace marked on your map".

I wish they had kept the directions in, and then have quest markers optional. That would satisfy everyone. People who want to just follow the compass to where they need to go could do that, and people who prefer to find their own way could do that.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:52 am

I don't get why people are comparing Skyrim to Morrowind. Skyrim is more streamlined, Morrowind is distinctly more old school. Frankly, I hated Morrowind, but I do see the appeal to those that liked it; it's old school navigation and quest system, stat based combat, highly original art style, and getting shoved off the boat without knowing what the hell was going on. Is it antiquated? Yeah, it totally is. And that's all right. Smash Brothers Melee is one of my favorite games of all time, yet I only played Brawl for a month before I shelved it.

So far I'm loving Skyrim; but it's because I no longer find the combat a chore, I like having a waypoint telling me where to go on that giant map, I love the Norse art direction in the game, and I like having a little direction to get my feet wet in the beginning before I go on a goat killing spree. Morrowind and Skyrim aren't comparable in a "What's better/worse?" way. They're comparable in a "Do you like dark chocolate or milk chocolate?" kinda way. Similar? Very, they are both chocolate. Different? I worship dark chocolate, but I think milk chocolate is a waste of everyone's time.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:41 pm

Morrowind had so ridiculously much more content. Graphics aside, I still feel Morrowind is a superior game. Every TES game since Daggerfall has felt smaller and more rushed.

Daggerfall was big, very big, ridiculous big, but it had a serious lack of (unique!) content
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:04 am

IMHO comparing Morrowind to Skyrim is like comparing beer to bacon, both are awesome but one you drink, the other you eat.

Very wise :tops: I feel alike! But I prefer to comparing Cheesecake and Cookies :cake: :talk:


[shout] Please, just fix on "which is better and why" before the moderator do that job for you!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:51 am

Yes. I am. Admittedly I don't remember the loading screens being as frequent on the original xbox as they are on my 360 but it's almost unbearable. Every ten steps or so I would say.

The game has some issues with backwards compatibility on the 360. Seriously, almost any computer can run the game nowadays, you should get it for PC.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:53 am

The community should just volunteer to do all the voice acting free of charge. Then if we complained about it we would have no one to blame but ourselves. :P

I'm all for that. I would gladly offer my time and voice just to be part of a great game and see my name in the credits. :)

Problem is... I don't think they can legally do that. Minimum wage laws and all that. Though there is probably some loophole to get around it like a waiver or something.

Another problem, for me, is that Beth is in Maryland. I am in California D:
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:41 pm

I think it's unfair to compare Morrowind to Skyrim. Today Morrowind is a outdated game, but by it's time, it was undoubtly the best game ever made.

You don't know what you've missed, if you didn't played games by that time.

However...I'm sure Skyrim will top Morrowind once some mods come out.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:09 pm

Morrowind was better than Skyrim in as many ways as it is worse than Skyrim. It's just a matter of what ways it is better or worse.

Morrowind has a wider array of spells, creatures, everything. But it has worse graphics.

Morrowind has better cultural atmosphere. But Skyrim has a better combat system.

Morrowind offers a lot more content in terms of dialogue. But Skyrim has voice acting.

It's all a matter of pick and choose which features you like more, the ones added or the ones cut out. Personally I don't feel like I have played enough of Skyrim to judge the difference between it and Morrowind properly, but ATM I'm leaning towards Morrowind being the better game but that may change depending on what else Skyrim has left to show me, might just be that it will blow my mind even further tipping it over Morrowind in terms of overall quality.

I already know however that both games are superior to Oblivion.

Boy, that wasn't biased at all!

I honestly didn't like Morrowind. My first Elder Scrolls was Oblivion and I played that game for soooo long. When I downloaded Morrowind for my PC after playing Oblivion, however, I didn't like it AT ALL. I could'nt even hit a damn rat with anything. I hated having to walk everywhere, and having to read giant walls of text, flipping through my journal, and so on. It was just overall a worse game than Oblivion. I did however, like the variety of armor and weapons, and wish Skyrim offered the same amount. I honestly don't know why so many people like Morrowind over Skyrim, I guess they like reading walls of texts, taking 30 minutes to get to a town, and boring combat systems.. but w/e
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:01 am

Too much flaming going on.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:06 am

Would like to thank the moderator for reopening this thread to allow continued discussion.

EDIT: The one above me. ^^
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 am

I don't understand it either, why Morrowind is still better then Skyrim. It's clearly the other way around, Skyrim destroys Morrowind in pretty much every catagory.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:09 am

I don't understand it either, why Morrowind is still better then Skyrim. It's clearly the other way around, Skyrim destroys Morrowind in pretty much every catagory.

That's what I thought to be honest but since last night I've had plenty of people coming in and expressing their feelings towards the third entry. I have to give the game props for having devoted followers and I can't help but feel like my experience was cut short because of my playing on the original xbox as opposed to the modded PC versions.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:46 am

I played both games and enjoyed them both. I remember playing Morrowind for the first time(which was also my first TES game) and enjoyed it. Then I got Oblivion and enjoyed that even more(and still do). To me Skyrim is oblivion and morrowind falling in love and having a child. It has the atmosphere of morrowind and the world of oblivion. I'm enjoying this game to the fullest. Skyrim is the best and oblivion comes second in my opinion.
Morrowind was great and I love the story but I just can't play as much as Oblivion or Skyrim :shrug:
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:23 am

As a person who played Morrowind when they were very yound (12ish?) I would say its hard to pick. People, you have to stop using Skyrim's graphics as an arguable point as to why you feel its better. Its not fair to give Skyrim a point on graphics since Morrowind was created awhile ago. Graphics aside, I absolutely loved and amount of spells in MW. How fun was it to go around using feather I think it was, and float down from high buildings slowly. And what about Mark/Recall. Epic! Yes I do miss all the weapon choices, the spells, the multiple armor pieces ( who didn't love looking like a badass wearing only on shoulder piece?). And you are ALL liars if you say you don't miss feeling like a ninja by pelting someone with throwing stars haha! So yeah, its obvious MW had some awesome stuff. And I do wish Bethesda would stop cutting the amount of stuff like amount of spells ect. The only complaint I had about MW was the fact of short and long blade skills. Kinda svcked having one of those really high then finding a sick sword that is in the other category :/. But something as minor as that doesn't put any means of a shame or flaw on a game like that. All of those points do not say that Skyrim svcks in any way. Skyrim is its own masterpiece. Itself. Like others before me have said, I'm certain that the majority of people will like MW for all that stuff and since it was probably a first or early Elder Scrolls game like it was for me. To end my giant post, I will say that both are awesome games in their own respect. And C'mon guys, let's stop fighting with eachother over which is better. Instead we should be banding together and talking trash the The Elder Scrolls stomps out every other series around. We should be sticking it to all the [censored] who are whinning about "that stupid noob is camping!!!!!" In CoD.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:42 pm

As a person who played Morrowind when they were very yound (12ish?)

I was around the same age. As for the COD hate, I'm an avid shooter fan including the Call of Duty series. While many people take the games too seriously I try not to hate on anyone too much.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:40 am

I liked oblivion better than skyrim but never played morrowind.

You are alone on this. If Skyrim wasn't out I'd tell you to go play it, but at this point I doubt you'd like Morrowind better after having played Skyrim, considering how dated it is.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:39 pm

I don't get the hate about Morrowind combat. I grew up on pen & paper role-playing games - you roll low and have a low skill, you miss your target, that's the way it always worked. All the early AD&D ruleset computer RPGs (Baldur's Gate etc) worked the same way - Morrowind just transferred that sort of combat system into a first person game. I got what it was about. It was those people who (probably because it was 1st person perspective) expected it to be an action game and didn't know what an RPG was who didn't understand it. In some ways, I wish we could just go back to basing stuff solely on character skill, rather than player aim or button mashing reflexes or silly mini-games.

Skyrim is great though, Morrowind has been at the top of my chart for years, Skyrim is giving it a fairly decent run for its money.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:19 am

I love both Morrowind and Skyrim, though each has its own strong points.
They're both about even in atmosphere, though skyrim takes the cake in terms of a unified style to everything.
Morrowind had considerably more content in terms of the sheer number of dungeons, armor/weapon pieces, and questlines, but I found the gameplay to be absolutely excruciating. I once had to run up and down half the f***ing coastline looking for a cliff racer that tripped my aggro and got itself stuck in a tree.
Skyrim doesn't have as much in any of those regards, but it feels far more polished than Morrowind did. Oh, and it's actually fun to use the gameplay mechanics.

And I have played morrowind for over 300 hours on two characters. I explored a LOT, and hope to be able to mod in some of the old relics, and other things like that
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