» Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:59 am
Here's what I think of the Skyrim and Morrowind.
Skyrim Pros
-Skyrim has better graphics/animations, Well duh, it's been how many years since Morrowind? If it wasn't there would have to be something seriously wrong with Bethesda. Luckily, there isn't.
-Skyrim has horses! I love this. It may not be as great as Oblivion horses were, but I still like it. It has carriages too, but you don't really use them, unless you just want to get to the cities for the first time.
-Skyrim has dragons. Need I say more?
-Skyrim has dual wielding! never thought this would be in Elder Scrolls, but here it is! Can be used with spells too.
-Perks. More customization and helps define your character.
-Voice acting. Gives a great feeling to the game, but seriously limits the amount of quantity in dialogue. The diversity in voices this time around is great though.
-Starts on a high note. Immediately entering the games feels amazing and svcks you in. For me, it lost this feeling as time went on.
-Adds more to everyday life and noncombat features. The inclusion of smithing, mining(rather than looting veins), woodcutting, and mills is great. Marriage is too!
-I loveenjoy having followers. It's like your own sidekick!
Morrowind Pros
-Morrowind has a much more diverse landscape. Everything in Skyrim is in Morrowind and more. Morrowind has deserts, swamps, islands, snowy areas, towns, diverse cities(could be argued for Skyrim, but look at the diversity of Morrowind vs Skyrim), forests, mountains, ect.
-Morrowind has more towns and cities in it's much larger world. Sure Skyrim has a couple large cities, but Vivec wold have something to say about that...
-Morrowind has longer and more fulfilling guilds and factions. There's much more guilds in general and they have longer quest lines.
-More spells + you can create your own. Don't understand why this was removed. Did people not like it? If they thought it was OP, they could have fixed it easily.
-Cross faction rivalries! The Great Houses, Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong, Morag Tong and Dark Brotherhood (just lore, not gameplay), and Tribunal Temple and Imperial Factions.
-More Quests, But Skyrim has unlimited quests, doesn't it? Well only if you count endless raids on bandit hideouts and dragons as quests, then sure it does! But if you mean properly written quests with story, then Morrowind wins by far.
-Balanced. In Skyrim, Destruction magic is useless beyond a point. Smithing, however, makes you invincible.
-A sense of growth. Enemies do not scale in Morrowind, so being able to clear out a dungeon can only be done when strong enough. In Skyim, everywhere can be beaten whenever you choose. The only significance of higher levels is stronger draughs and bandits.
-Diversity of weapons/armor/magic. While medium armor is not really needed, the customization it adds is great. You could level up in unarmed combat and defense. You also have spears, Mysticism, throwing weapons, and separation of weapon skills.
-Much more items! There was a huge amount of weapons and armor. Always finding new things.
-Way more creatures in this game. Skyrim does have giants, dragons, and mammoths(all of which I love); but Morrowind has much more.
-Ends on a high note. The ending of this game is great. It builds up to this, as the beginning isn't the best.
Skyrim svcks us in from the very beginning, something Morrowind does not manage. However, Skyrim loses its amazing feeling over time, while Morrowind just keeps getting better and better. Morrowind has much more content, a better atmosphere, and better faction story lines. Skyrim does bring in same nice new features like the radiant AI, but its lost much of what made Morrowind so great for me. It does have its cool moments from time to time, like the beginning, Sovngarde, and your first dragon fight, among others, but these are just the occasional thing, only truly special the first time. Morrowind just doesn't start out with its best features up front. It takes time to enjoy its full potential. This is what loses many people, they don't get drawn into it and don't bother finishing it, rating it as a poorer game than the rest of the series. It just takes a little time. Many of Morrowind's current problems can be fixed with mods. Improved textures and NPC with animations can be added without changing the game. What Skyrim misses, would change the game to add. There not things that would keep it with its original vanilla feeling. Don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim. There's much to it that is amazing, and I'm sure with DLC there will be great things. Bethesda has said they plan on several large expansions(like with Morrowind), rather than lots of small ones(like Oblivion). But to me, Morrowind is still the best.