I never went to the red mountain. I traveled near Seyda Neen and other capitals. I always killed the first dark elf in Seyda and made his house my own.

Like I said, It could be my lack of experience with the game but I still don't see it.
Well, no of course you don't. You never really played it. I put hundreds of hours into Morrowind and I still share stories about it with friends, Morowind had atmosphere and a sense of mystery. In Oblivion adn Skyrim, you have a very clear goal right from the beginning. That's not a bad thing, but in Morrowind, you didn't really know what the hell was going on untill you'd gotten a fair bit into the game. At least that's how I remember it. In addition, Morrowind looked amazing, still does, not because of it's graphics from a technical standpoint obviously but because it has style and a visual flair that the other TES games simply don't. Skyrim and Oblivion both look like the real world and on top of that, both environments are very familiar to me. Morrowind is unique, there is no land quite like it and that's what makes Morrowind special.
Then there's the separate armor pieces that add a lot to the aestethics of your character while still allowing a unified look like the armour sets we have today. Best of both world. There's also a large variety of weapons and spells.
In short, Skyrim is a much better game from a gameplay standpoint, it obviously has more technically impressive graphics. But, Morrowind beats Skyrim easily when it comes to atmosphere,
interesting visuals and customization.
Now, I'd like to clarify something. I am loving Skyrim, everything I say Morrowind does best are things I think Skyrim do well. In short. Skyrim is great, but Morrowind will always be closer to my heart.
I read a couple people post that they found the environment in skyrim boring.
The only part of Skyrim I can't find within a few miles of where I live are glaciers.