So... Yeah... about that Morrowind...

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:12 pm

I feel like Skryim may give Morrowind a run for its money here. I mean, Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon + Mods = ungodly amount of content that's hard to compete with. But Skyrim has... a lot... a whole lot. Even with the guild storylines being short (let's be honest, the guild storylines in Morrowind weren't a strong point besides the Great Houses, and even then the length of them had more to do with the skill checks).

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that. Though are we counting fetch quests or not? (though both games have em)
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:49 pm

Shh, just wait for it.

To be honest, We are all just talking about it.

We all love The Elder Scrolls. I loved Morrowind when I played it. But everything about it pales in comparison to Skyrim. In my opinion, that is.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:14 pm

I Love Morrowind, I still play and Mod it, and I will always play and mod it, You can find my mods on planet elder Scrolls under the Cydriic Author name.

I love what they did with Skyrim, I can't wait to create mods for it. The crafting system was a must and I'm very pleased they made it...

I'm the type of player that plays another life in another world. I've already put 80 hours in my character so when you mention your 20 hour character I find it funny, I've made over 25 characters in Morrowind, and will keep doing it. Morrowind is just awesome, such a colorful world, so many things to do with all the extensions. And then when you add modding forget about it.

I have this rule where when my characters reach 1,000,000 gold pieces, I mod myself a house and delete the 1,000,000 gold.

I find that the more the game enables players to be creative, such as enchanting and now crafting, the more fun and the more re playability there is to the game. If I could have built my own house in gmae, I would have loved it, kind of like you can do in Ultima Online...

But man thanks to Bethesda for creating such great games, I love it!!!!

But to conclude, I love Skyrim, I think they did an amazing Job, its closer to Morrowind in terms of the depth of the world, but it has the oblivion kind of Combat and even enhanced, so I love it. And as I said, with the crafting Syetem, I think its amazing.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:43 am

Morrowind starts slow and gets better and better the more you play. Not so other elder scroll games, which start on a high and tend to fizzle out way before the end of the main quest. I think that's the main difference, that's why people prefer it.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:51 pm

How is 2 characters with 20 hours burning out? I have like 250 hours.

The only thing that's been improved is the graphics and smoother combat. You say you understand gameplay > graphics but you really don't seem to. And an RPG's gameplay comes from its immersion so that you didn't even bother questing and just whacked some mud crabs...yeah, Oblivion/Skyrim are better games in that respect.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:29 pm

people think the 1st game they play is the best and always will be and anything that differs from that 1st impression is somehow not as good a game!

my 1st FPS was wolfenstein, and well technically it was the 1st FPS ever i think.

then came Doom and OMG if u werent around or playing these games at this point in history, u have no idea!
Doom was the best thing to ever happen to gaming, when it was released.

now 20 years later (approx) no other game except fallout3 has ever had such an impression on me, and effected me as much, but....

NO way would i ever say that doom is the best FPS ever!

wen u are younger games mean more and impress u more!!!
but this doesnt mean they are any better

as u get older things dont impress u as much, as with getting older u have already experienced things and thus experiencing them again isnt quite the same...

if skyrim was released when morrowind was and morrowind was released 11 11 11,

i think all these opinions would also be reversed

anyhoo i enjoy skyrim!
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:52 pm

The fact is that in my opinion Skyrim is 1000x better than Morrowind because I never played Morrowind, got it?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:26 am

And then when you add modding forget about it.

Owning a crappy eMachines, I prefer console play with the Xbox 360. Might have an impact on my judgement since I have no access to modding?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:36 am

It is an Elder Scrolls fan's patriotic duty to hail Morrowind as the best, even though Daggerfall is way better bro.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:06 am

Morrowind starts slow and gets better and better the more you play. Not so other elder scroll games, which start on a high and tend to fizzle out way before the end of the main quest. I think that's the main difference, that's why people prefer it.

This right here pretty much sums it up.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:21 pm

No love for Oblivion?

Oblivion is a good game, don't get me wrong. Is it a good TES game? I think compared to the other three I mentioned it doesn't compare. Sure if you want to use the mod argument then sure, but let's give Skyrim a fair shake and wait for the mod kit for it before we start comparing. I'm just comparing strictly out of the box content. Oblivion just doesnt stack up compared to the other three for me.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:42 am

wen u are younger games mean more and impress u more!!!
but this doesnt mean they are any better

I feel you on this point. Animaniacs on Super Nintendo is still one of the best games ever, oh and Mario. :P
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:22 am

Morrowinds combat was terrible no doubt. But, for its time Morrowind was and still is one of the best games ever created in MY OPINION.

I liked Oblivion and i am currently loving Skyrim. That said, Morrowind will probably always be one of my favourites. Skyrim has improved so much, but then again Morrowind is 10 years old. So Skyrim HAD to improve. That said, Skyrim has also done a few things i personally dislike and for that reason Morrowind is currently still my favourite Elder Scrolls title.

I am loving Skyrim though, so if any of the Skyrim defence force is reading this, back off! I love the game too. ;)
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Assumptah George
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:56 am

I don't get your point, as in I use my imagination playing Skyrim. I do what I want, How I want to do it. The game is beautiful, I enjoyed the Civil War Quests and I love making potions and displaying my triumphs in my house. I also love walking through the woods and tundras hunting any kind of animal I please to pray on. I also love picking flowers and then seeing a huge shadow go over the ground and whispering to myself... "Oh [censored]... Did he see me?"

I am talking about the skills, atrributes, and abused level-scaling mostly. So far, I have seen trolls and giants outclass the lower level dragons (an immersion breaker for me). Destruction spells have a stunted damage growth at higher levels, to the point of absurdity. Acrobatics, athletics, spears, spellmaking are missing.

I agree, this game is beautiful. I am enjoying it alot, but I value rpg depth over visual dynamics.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:41 am

Oblivion is a good game, don't get me wrong. Is it a good TES game? I think compared to the other three I mentioned it doesn't compare. Sure if you want to use the mod argument then sure, but let's give Skyrim a fair shake and wait for the mod kit for it before we start comparing. I'm just comparing strictly out of the box content. Oblivion just doesnt stack up compared to the other three for me.

Keep in mind I play XBOX, I have no access to modding. I remember Oblivion being the reason I purchased an XBOX 360. (Star Wars: KOTOR being the reason I got an XBOX). I remember sitting at my aunts watching G4's X-Play as they showed someone drowning off the Adoring Fan. It killed me to be $460 away from being able to enjoy such an amazing game. I finally got it, and I loved it. I have no hate for Oblivion, Nor Morrowind. That's not what the topic is about, I love all three being the only three TES I've played but I'm just referring to the people on the forums saying that Skyrim pales to Morrowind.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:45 am

I have played a little bit of morrowind, oblivion (though never really made it past the area section), and skyrim. out of all 3 i have accomplish and achieved much more in Skyrim then any of the other 2 i played. i mean right down to the civil war that is happening is really something. in Morrowind i got lost after reaching the first city, died about maybe 10 times before getting there? and explored my heart out to the point where after a while i started to murder everyone because i didnt know what i was doing nor what i was suppose to do. Oblivion tho added some new stuff was kinda bland, go here shut this portal, go there stop this portal...very boring. Skyrim, almost everything you do now effects something somehow and or someone, nearly every item you pick up is important one way or another. nothing you really find is garbage except for the few things they include like plates and bowls blah blah blah. i cant just at lvl 1 run right over to a giant and slay it, i cant just run to a dragon and 2 shot it, tho with some of the stuff ive seen people posting i guess you could... but in skyrim i have gotten so immersed in it, and felt terrible when something happened that i really wish I my self could actually interact with these people and really put my own 2 cents in and say hey! F you or WTF mate? why did you do that. Bethesda has come a long way with their games and really Skyrim is probly by far the best they have given us and probly will mean more to come and i really look forward to it and hope with the coming days things i have been seeing like people hoping to revisit morrowind and such in skyrim. so i say raise a glass to bethesda and say thanks for creating probly the best series of games made by far. because making sequels is hard work and the fact that they have made 5 a total of 5 games each getting better as they were made? well that sir is a huge accomplishment and good on them!
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:33 am

people think the 1st game they play is the best and always will be and anything that differs from that 1st impression is somehow not as good a game!

my 1st FPS was wolfenstein, and well technically it was the 1st FPS ever i think.

then came Doom and OMG if u werent around or playing these games at this point in history, u have no idea!
Doom was the best thing to ever happen to gaming, when it was released.

now 20 years later (approx) no other game except fallout3 has ever had such an impression on me, and effected me as much, but....

NO way would i ever say that doom is the best FPS ever!

wen u are younger games mean more and impress u more!!!
but this doesnt mean they are any better

as u get older things dont impress u as much, as with getting older u have already experienced things and thus experiencing them again isnt quite the same...

if skyrim was released when morrowind was and morrowind was released 11 11 11,

i think all these opinions would also be reversed

anyhoo i enjoy skyrim!

I didn't properly get into Morrowind until 3 years ago, when I was 15 closing in on 16. And the last time I played Morrowind seriously was at the end of this years summer.

Not all opinions about old games are opinions influenced by nostalgia.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:56 pm

I won't go in depth about how Morrowind was great, enough people know it already. It's not the about the graphics (although, for the time, they were amazing), it's about the overall feeling it gave with its unique design and concept (don't mention the weather and culture).

Skyrim is just DIFFERENT than both Morrowind and Oblivion, it's amazing, it's vast and I always feel like I missed TONS of stuff while playing it that I will never have the chance to do again. I always feel like I'm lost in a living, breathing world, which is cool.

I'm in love with Morrowind because of its nostalgic references and the times (one of the greatest periods of my life) it blessed me with back then. But Skyrim is full of lore and investment and it's unique atmospheric feeling draws you into it. So, I would say that I can't tell you which is the best one, just that Morrowind is more nostalgic and brings back more memories than a game that came out JUST NOW. :)
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:54 am

I am talking about the skills, atrributes, and abused level-scaling mostly. So far, I have seen trolls and giants outclass the lower level dragons (an immersion breaker for me). Destruction spells have a stunted damage growth at higher levels, to the point of absurdity. Acrobatics, athletics, spears, spellmaking are missing.

I agree, this game is beautiful. I am enjoying it alot, but I value rpg depth over visual dynamics.

I get where you are coming from but I guess I'm just loving the game for what it is. I was never a Final Fantasy type of Role-Player. In fact a game called Hollow is what got me into Role Playing games over all ( which is a ROLE PLAY ORIENTED MUD. I then found myself playing KOTOR, Fable, and TES. The only turn based RPG's I've played and enjoyed are FF3 on the DS, and Cthulu saves the world on XBLA.

Maybe I'm just not a die hard RPG fan?
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:03 pm

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that. Though are we counting fetch quests or not? (though both games have em)

I played Morrowind for years, hundreds upon hundreds of hours, definitely my favorite game in the history of games, but I can honestly admit that pound for pound...if you ignore Skyrim's radient story quests (which are more Daggerfall'ish in nature) and just compare meaningful quests of vanilla unmodded Skyrim to vanilla unmodded Morrowind...Skyrim wins. There's a lot of quests in Morrowind, but how many of them are meaningful (even in the Great House storylines)? Load up Skyrim and speak to 20 random named NPCs. Do the same in vanilla Morrowind (no Tribunal, no Bloodmoon).

Morrowind is a lot more than just quests, so it's hard to compare "content" objectively. Heck most of my enjoyment from Morrowind came from just exploring. It's hard to say whether Skyrim will be worth playing after exhausting all the quests (if I see one more Nord burial full of draugr I might puke)
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:40 pm

I loved Morrowind and invested 7 years into it. But I also love Skyrim. I've been playing since the 2nd day it came, with just one character. I've put many hours into it already and am nowhere near completion.

I believe skyrim brought back the lore, atmosphere and feel morrowind had.

As for Oblivion, vanilla ob was dull and boring without mods. Shivering Isles was great.

I agree 100% the combat in mw was terrible, and spell failures were a mages nightmare.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:12 am

I have two RPGs as my top games ever, these being Morrowind and Fallout New Vegas......I am not baseing my choices on nostalgia, these are the best RPGs I have played in a decade, not fuelled by action or making the game useable by all....but a game that only true RPG people can get into.

Story, Immeserion, Exploration and Character Development make the best RPGs for me.....Morrowind is perfect in nearly all aspects, though it lacks in character developement.

Had Skyrim been closer to Morrowind I do believe I would have loved it more, but it may have been hurt in the reviews alot more for it. Morrowind is a product of a bygone gaming era.....and it's one I will continue to play and enjoy for the next decade as I have for the last.

If it wasnt for the lack of guild storylines, interguild relations and the still broken Oblivion style level scaling, Skyrim would have been the perfect game.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:19 am

I won't go in depth about how Morrowind was great, enough people know it already. It's not the about the graphics (although, for the time, they were amazing), it's about the overall feeling it gave with its unique design and concept (don't mention the weather and culture).

Skyrim is just DIFFERENT than both Morrowind and Oblivion, it's amazing, it's vast and I always feel like I missed TONS of stuff while playing it that I will never have the chance to do again. I always feel like I'm lost in a living, breathing world, which is cool.

I'm in love with Morrowind because of its nostalgic references and the times (one of the greatest periods of my life) it blessed me with back then. But Skyrim is full of lore and investment and it's unique atmospheric feeling draws you into it. So, I would say that I can't tell you which is the best one, just that Morrowind is more nostalgic and brings back more memories than a game that came out JUST NOW. :)

I get what you are saying. I was in love with the game when I first got it. Staying up all night taking turns with my buddy and making a new character every few hours. It was great. I'm speaking from my impression of just re-obtaining the game two nights ago and noting that people on the forums were claiming Morrowind > Skyrim in so many aspects. I can't help but laugh at it. Once again, I have no modding on console.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:54 am

Vanilla game versus vanilla game I prefer Morrowind if for reasons such as spell creation, the atmosphere of the region, the jump spell, and clothing not magically being a different article of clothing depending on your character among other things.

I do like Skyrim a lot still however. A lot more than Oblivion. I can't wait until it has a good number of mods. With the proper mods, Skyrim could potentially be better than Morrowind because all my problems with Skyrim don't seem that hard to fix with mods.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:01 pm

Vanilla game versus vanilla game I prefer Morrowind if for reasons such as spell creation, the atmosphere of the region, the jump spell, and clothing not magically being a different article of clothing depending on your character among other things.

I do like Skyrim a lot still however. A lot more than Oblivion. I can't wait until it has a good number of mods. With the proper mods, Skyrim could potentially be better than Morrowind because all my problems with Skyrim don't seem that hard to fix with mods.

Spell creation that could fail casting and rarely hit if your character wasn't maxed for it? Not trying to be a [censored] by any means, just asking your input on those issues.
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