» Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:14 pm
I Love Morrowind, I still play and Mod it, and I will always play and mod it, You can find my mods on planet elder Scrolls under the Cydriic Author name.
I love what they did with Skyrim, I can't wait to create mods for it. The crafting system was a must and I'm very pleased they made it...
I'm the type of player that plays another life in another world. I've already put 80 hours in my character so when you mention your 20 hour character I find it funny, I've made over 25 characters in Morrowind, and will keep doing it. Morrowind is just awesome, such a colorful world, so many things to do with all the extensions. And then when you add modding forget about it.
I have this rule where when my characters reach 1,000,000 gold pieces, I mod myself a house and delete the 1,000,000 gold.
I find that the more the game enables players to be creative, such as enchanting and now crafting, the more fun and the more re playability there is to the game. If I could have built my own house in gmae, I would have loved it, kind of like you can do in Ultima Online...
But man thanks to Bethesda for creating such great games, I love it!!!!
But to conclude, I love Skyrim, I think they did an amazing Job, its closer to Morrowind in terms of the depth of the world, but it has the oblivion kind of Combat and even enhanced, so I love it. And as I said, with the crafting Syetem, I think its amazing.