Not the end of thread. Everyone has a voice and is open to express it. The thread isn't based solely on my experience but on the experience of the community. I'm asking everyone, not just you or myself. I want to hear peoples arguments and I want to enjoy the discussion. I have experienced the game. I played it through most of my childhood but didn't go through many of the quest because they bored me. I walked wherever I could and everywhere I could.
Sorry if I gave off the impression that I was trying to stifle your opinion - certainly was not my intention.
Anyway, the situation is really simple: To people who've thoroughly experienced Morrowind it's very obvious how it's superior to Skyrim
in some respects. Likewise, Skyrim is obviously better than Morrowind in others. If you look at the 10,000 threads about this topic, you'll see what "some respects" means.