So... Yeah... about that Morrowind...

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:14 pm

right I think people misunderstand here.. Morrowind is better for its time , ofc skyrim brings alot of new things to the table like better graphics ( except textures lol!) and flashy new combat . Morrowind made with todays graphic/engine is the vastly superior game no doubt. Morrowind is still a game that i go back to even today , can we say that same of oblivion? nah. Skyrim? maybe.. so far im liking it but its no morrowind in terms of depth. Morrowind is more like a work of art to me as opposed to just a videogame.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:57 pm

right I think people misunderstand here.. Morrowind is better for its time , ofc skyrim brings alot of new things to the table like better graphics ( except textures lol!) and flashy new combat . Morrowind made with todays graphic/engine is the vastly superior game no doubt. Morrowind is still a game that i go back to even today , can we say that same of oblivion? nah. Skyrim? maybe.. so far im liking it but its no morrowind in terms of depth. Morrowind is more like a work of art to me as opposed to just a videogame.

Perhaps Morrowind will earn a HD re-release or even an anniversary as Halo did?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:05 am

I guess I never made it far enough then. But I -ALWAYS- picked Barbarian when playing as an Orc and stole the 'blunt' staff from the first trade shop and could never hit. It took nearly five minutes to kill a mudcrab using this same strategy two nights ago when I picked the game up.

Yeah, at low levels combat is terrible. Morrowind's combat system svcks in general. The hit-or-miss dice roll aspect of it is very silly and frustrating; I wish it wasn't like that...
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Chloe :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:12 am

Sorry if I gave off the impression that I was trying to stifle your opinion - certainly was not my intention.

Anyway, the situation is really simple: To people who've thoroughly experienced Morrowind it's very obvious how it's superior to Skyrim in some respects. Likewise, Skyrim is obviously better than Morrowind in others. If you look at the 10,000 threads about this topic, you'll see what "some respects" means.

I agree with Theseus across the board.
One thing that does irk me is that people can claim to have great experience with Morrowind to a degree where they think they can compare Morrowind and Skyrim (always favouring Skyrim), and then later have it revealed that they haven't actually played 90% of Morrowind, or are judging it by todays graphics/combat mechanics, or just simply saying that people like Morrowind because of "nostalgia" (which is a good thing).
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:31 am

right I think people misunderstand here.. Morrowind is better for its time , ofc skyrim brings alot of new things to the table like better graphics ( except textures lol!) and flashy new combat . Morrowind made with todays graphic/engine is the vastly superior game no doubt. Morrowind is still a game that i go back to even today , can we say that same of oblivion? nah. Skyrim? maybe.. so far im liking it but its no morrowind in terms of depth. Morrowind is more like a work of art to me as opposed to just a videogame.

I'm not sure they could make Morrowind today with Skyrim graphics, but Morrowind content and mechanics. Definitely not starting a flame war, but it would have to be PC exclusive, or else it would probably look like Oblivion on the consoles. I personally wouldn't want Morrowind remade, just all of the mechanics, nuances and RPG features back. Even things from Daggerfall like climbing and its degradation and fast travel system.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:39 am

I was using meaningful in the sense of not being just fetch quests. A lot...I mean a whole lot...of the quests in Morrowind were meaningless fetch quests that didn't even have good dialogue or interesting story to mask them. Especially the faction quests. I appreciate your examples, but I think Skyrim's quests have more substance as a rule. Which to me balances out since Morrowind's strong points are in spite of its majority of badly written quests (I distinguish here dialogue/quest writing from lore/book writing which no TES will ever touch Morrowind on...but a lot of that was a particular author no longer employed by Bethesda).

I would say that there are a few Skyrim quests which are better than any quest in morrowind, save for that final part of Morrowind's main quest. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild comes to mind. But whether those few quests are enough to push skyrim past morrowind in the quest department, I'm just not too sure about that.
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lillian luna
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:00 am

I would say that there are a few Skyrim quests which are better than any quest in morrowind, save for that final part of Morrowind's main quest. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild comes to mind. But whether those few quests are enough to push skyrim past morrowind in the quest department, I'm just not too sure about that.

I just started the Dark Botherhood on Skyrim. Hilarious head shotting the ophan lady to be honest.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:25 pm

Skyrim has a lot more polish, Morrowind has a lot more heart. The best comparison I can think of is a Ferrari and some kind of American muscle car. Sure, the Ferrari is way more expensive, and would beat the Corvette or Mustang on the track, but I'd take either of them over some Italian status symbol any day.

Morrowind just seemed to get the details right, which is what Oblivion and Skyrim forgot. I honestly don't like the voice acting in Skyrim, it's all over the place, Morrowinds text with a few sound bites just made the game. That's just one example, but basically I still feel like Skyrim was made as a big box production to bring in sales, like a fantasy COD, versus Morrowind which was a labor of love for RPG fans.

Everyone's is talking about Skyrim right now, (and I mean EVERYONE) but it will be forgotten in 10 years. Go look up Morrowind videos on Youtube. You can feel the love, and see that it isn't just limited to forum lurkers.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:28 pm

Morrowind is still the best. Take an improved Skyrim combat system, and mix it with everything Morrowind got right. It would truly be godly. *sigh* Skyrim is good, but it's so flawed in many ways. It reminds me of a hack and slash game more than an rpg. A really great game, but not a really great traditional rpg.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:34 am

I just started the Dark Botherhood on Skyrim. Hilarious head shotting the ophan lady to be honest.

Best quest EVER!
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:50 pm

personaly at this stage, (i currently have over 150 hour in Skyrim and thougsands in Morrowind) i still like Morrowind though Skyrim is fast aproaching a tie.

even with its flaws Morrowind had far more cherecter building options availible to it than Skyrim does. lets face it your stuch with every cherecter of a given race being exactly the same at start to every other cherecter of that race. there is nothing you can do stat wise to diferentiat one from the other.

and then your weapon and spell selection have been drasticly cur from even those availible in Oblivian (witch slashed away most melee options) just look at ranged, unless your flinging spells you have just the one option (though i blame this more on Oblivian than Skyrim)

i'm looking at both titles from an unmodded perspective since i played Morrowind on the Xbox and now have Skyrim on the 360, (since i will never buy a pc came that requires steam or any other like program to be loaded on my pc) so i'll have no access to mods anyway.

they did alot of good things with Skyrim i just think that to much was lost along the way (the lack of classes NOT being one of them but the lack of atributes is)

i like Skyrim don't get me wrong i just feel they cut way to much and if the current trend continues i have real fears for the quality TES 6.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:13 am

Best quest EVER!

It was hilarious. I popped the shot. She did a back flip and the kids started cheering. So morbid but funny.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:21 am

Skyrim has a lot more polish, Morrowind has a lot more heart. The best comparison I can think of is a Ferrari and some kind of American muscle car. Sure, the Ferrari is way more expensive, and would beat the Corvette or Mustang on the track, but I'd take either of them over some Italian status symbol any day.

Morrowind just seemed to get the details right, which is what Oblivion and Skyrim forgot. I honestly don't like the voice acting in Skyrim, it's all over the place, Morrowinds text with a few sound bites just made the game. That's just one example, but basically I still feel like Skyrim was made as a big box production to bring in sales, like a fantasy COD, versus Morrowind which was a labor of love for RPG fans.

Everyone's is talking about Skyrim right now, (and I mean EVERYONE) but it will be forgotten in 10 years. Go look up Morrowind videos on Youtube. You can feel the love, and see that it isn't just limited to forum lurkers.

you can't really decide how well people will remember a game in 10 years. I looked up Oblivion on youtube that has a ton of videos of people doing stuff with it and has lots of love as well
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:18 am

There are things that Morrowind does better, but I still prefer Skyrim since it combines more elements that I enjoy.

Morrowind was GREAT in terms of story and quests. There is a LOT of information about the lore, really in-depth dialogue from NPCs and a very involving story line. However, it's combat was absolute crap.

Skyrim has a great story; it may not be as involved or complex in length, but it still makes you think about things and isn't overly simplified. I am sure it could have been a lot better if, like Morrowind, it was all text and little to no voice overs. The only reason I see a lack of length or detail in the story is because everything an NPC says is spoken. It's a great immersion tool, but as far as games and story telling go, it takes too much time, money and space to really make it super long while still offering a wide range of side quests in an open world game.

Someone may take the comments in my second paragraph to mean that games can't be long with all voiced dialogue. That isn't what I am saying. For example, Mass Effect is quite long and has all voiced over dialogue; for both the NPCs and the player character. However, think about it for a moment. It's not open world. It doesn't have anywhere near as many NPCs or side-quests. They just focused on the main story line and had pretty linear levels. There is a trade-off for quantity and quality. I think Bethesda has some QUALITY content, if not a whole lot of it. They stretch themselves thin because they have a lot of great ideas they want to squeeze in their games, and unfortunately, they simply do not have the resources to give us, the players, everything we could possibly ask for.

That isn't to say Skyrim is without it's flaws. Nothing is perfect, and there are quite a few things in Skyrim that I believe could have, and should have, been done differently; and I am looking at the game both as a designer and a player. But for what it is, and what it's worth to everyone reading, Skyrim is still a great title and so far my favorite in the series because it has, so far, combined as many great aspects together in such a way that the game is both involving in it's story and dialogue, but also engaging in gameplay.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:39 am

I like Skyrim better so far. Even when Morrowind first came out I remember having problems with it, like the NPCs just standing there and all saying the exact same thing. There may have been more dialogue options, but they were the same for every NPC and they all had the same response. I loved exploring at first, but after a while the countryside all started to look the same and I had no incentive to explore every nook and cranny. Despite these things I still loved the game.

Oblivion had better NPCs and the graphics were so pretty that I had incentive to want to see everything. The combat was also much better (Morrowind's svcked). However, level scaling really ruined things, the dungeons all looked the same, I hated the crime system, and I also didn't like how you couldn't just stumble upon a really excellent weapon or loot. I put about 200 hours in on one character, but if these things had been fixed I might still be playing it today.

Skyrim is the best of both worlds. Random events, more interesting NPCs, level scaling fixed, better graphics, better crime system. The dungeons/caves so far are awesome. In the previous two games I didn't really bother exploring many of them but in Skyrim each one so far has looked unique. Also, some of them are actually really creative and have their own stories (I'm hoping they don't end up being tied to a quest later, that would be cool if some of these places I've found were just random cool places you have to find). I will probably be playing this one the most of all of them.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:48 pm

you can't really decide how well people will remember a game in 10 years. I looked up Oblivion on youtube that has a ton of videos of people doing stuff with it and has lots of love as well

Well that's the other problem....because of Morrowind's success, they were able to pump more marketing dollars (and development money) into Oblivion, and thus, more people played it than Morrowind. The same thing happened to Skyrim vis a vis Oblivion, at an even larger scale.

So 10 years down the road, you're going to have 10 people saying Skyrim was better than Morrowind...but it's for the same reason that you can find 10 Twilight fans for every fan of Citizen Kane. Just popular exposure.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:55 am

There are things that Morrowind does better, but I still prefer Skyrim since it combines more elements that I enjoy.

Morrowind was GREAT in terms of story and quests. There is a LOT of information about the lore, really in-depth dialogue from NPCs and a very involving story line. However, it's combat was absolute crap.

Skyrim has a great story; it may not be as involved or complex in length, but it still makes you think about things and isn't overly simplified. I am sure it could have been a lot better if, like Morrowind, it was all text and little to no voice overs. The only reason I see a lack of length or detail in the story is because everything an NPC says is spoken. It's a great immersion tool, but as far as games and story telling go, it takes too much time, money and space to really make it super long while still offering a wide range of side quests in an open world game.

Someone may take the comments in my second paragraph to mean that games can't be long with all voiced dialogue. That isn't what I am saying. For example, Mass Effect is quite long and has all voiced over dialogue; for both the NPCs and the player character. However, think about it for a moment. It's not open world. It doesn't have anywhere near as many NPCs or side-quests. They just focused on the main story line and had pretty linear levels. There is a trade-off for quantity and quality. I think Bethesda has some QUALITY content, if not a whole lot of it. They stretch themselves thin because they have a lot of great ideas they want to squeeze in their games, and unfortunately, they simply do not have the resources to give us, the players, everything we could possibly ask for.

That isn't to say Skyrim is without it's flaws. Nothing is perfect, and there are quite a few things in Skyrim that I believe could have, and should have, been done differently; and I am looking at the game both as a designer and a player. But for what it is, and what it's worth to everyone reading, Skyrim is still a great title and so far my favorite in the series because it has, so far, combined as many great aspects together in such a way that the game is both involving in it's story and dialogue, but also engaging in gameplay.

One of the best responses so far. I agree on most things you touch on. But could Bethesda, being as big as they are, not afford to make another disc or two if they really wanted too?
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:50 pm

you can't really decide how well people will remember a game in 10 years. I looked up Oblivion on youtube that has a ton of videos of people doing stuff with it and has lots of love as well

Vanilla Oblivion is horrible. Modded Oblivion is actually not bad at all, and I would say is a worthy successor to Morrowind. But Morrowind + mods is a pretty tough cookie to beat though. Unless you're on console. I really wish there was a way to get mods onto consoles, you guys are missing out on some pretty good stuff.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:11 am

Vanilla Oblivion is horrible. Modded Oblivion is actually not bad at all, and I would say is a worthy successor to Morrowind. But Morrowind + mods is a pretty tough cookie to beat though. Unless you're on console. I really wish there was a way to get mods onto consoles, you guys are missing out on some pretty good stuff.

I loved Oblivion bare.

Though as far as mods on consoles I don't see it happening unless we are charged for it, then microsoft might support it. Please don't get that twisted and think I don't support Microsoft, I do, I love the company but I know money makes the world go round sadly... 99% xD
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:12 pm

Morrowind is just.... really special. Skyrim is fantastic though.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:53 am

Since they're mod-able, I love them all ^_^
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:20 am

No need to take offense people... OP is clearly mentally disabled.

I think the worst I could say to the OP is go finish Morrowind's main quest and read the dialog boxes. I wouldn't exactly call him disabled for not doing that though.
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Isabella X
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:37 am

I love them all but Morrowind has a special place in my heart. The art direction, the music, the storyline and the feel of the world were awesome. It coincided with an otherworldy time in my life too - living in Hong Kong and Dubai - and is a fitting metaphor for my real-life adventures.

In my first playthrough I was an Imperial Legion champ and Hlaalu hero. In the second I actually did the main quests of MW Bloodmoon. In my third, I eschewed quests and guilds to be come the region's premier black-marketeer. Actually got my character over 200,00 septims.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:09 am

I perfer Skyrim over Morrowind, but only by a tiny bit. Both games are amazing. I'll go as far as to say that Daggerfall, Morrowind and Skyrim (cannot comment on Arena for I haven't played it) all bring something different to the table. With that said, all three of those games will will be replayed till the end of time. They are pretty much a three way tie in my opinion.

Same here. I 'loved' Morrowind but it had serious faults so I didn't put too crazy a time into it. Probably more than Daggerfall though. Skyrim to me is just the best in the series so far. It doesn't ooze atmosphere quite so much but it's so polished and every aspect of the gameplay is (IMHO) the best Bethesda has ever done. I may go back again and play Morrowind once more, just as I may for Oblivion, though it's unlikely, Skyrim is just so much better it'd be like reinstalling Windows 98 instead of using Win 7!
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:08 am

I think the worst I could say to the OP is go finish Morrowind's main quest and read the dialog boxes. I wouldn't exactly call him disabled for not doing that though.

I don't think I'm willing to do that at this point in time considering how caught up I am in Skyrim. Perhaps one day in the future. Doubtful, but perhaps.
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