» Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:18 am
There are things that Morrowind does better, but I still prefer Skyrim since it combines more elements that I enjoy.
Morrowind was GREAT in terms of story and quests. There is a LOT of information about the lore, really in-depth dialogue from NPCs and a very involving story line. However, it's combat was absolute crap.
Skyrim has a great story; it may not be as involved or complex in length, but it still makes you think about things and isn't overly simplified. I am sure it could have been a lot better if, like Morrowind, it was all text and little to no voice overs. The only reason I see a lack of length or detail in the story is because everything an NPC says is spoken. It's a great immersion tool, but as far as games and story telling go, it takes too much time, money and space to really make it super long while still offering a wide range of side quests in an open world game.
Someone may take the comments in my second paragraph to mean that games can't be long with all voiced dialogue. That isn't what I am saying. For example, Mass Effect is quite long and has all voiced over dialogue; for both the NPCs and the player character. However, think about it for a moment. It's not open world. It doesn't have anywhere near as many NPCs or side-quests. They just focused on the main story line and had pretty linear levels. There is a trade-off for quantity and quality. I think Bethesda has some QUALITY content, if not a whole lot of it. They stretch themselves thin because they have a lot of great ideas they want to squeeze in their games, and unfortunately, they simply do not have the resources to give us, the players, everything we could possibly ask for.
That isn't to say Skyrim is without it's flaws. Nothing is perfect, and there are quite a few things in Skyrim that I believe could have, and should have, been done differently; and I am looking at the game both as a designer and a player. But for what it is, and what it's worth to everyone reading, Skyrim is still a great title and so far my favorite in the series because it has, so far, combined as many great aspects together in such a way that the game is both involving in it's story and dialogue, but also engaging in gameplay.