When I was about thirteen (19 now) my mom picked up Morrowind GOTY on Xbox for me one day while she was shopping at a Kohls. I had no idea what the elder scrolls was and trust me, I was blown away.
I never did any questing on the game and always found it fun enough to just run around the huge world and do whatever I pleased. After playing Oblivion a good bit and literally burning the crap out of Skyrim (2 Characters with 20+ hours each), I found a good deal on craigslist of someone selling GOTY Morrowind for $2, So I decided to pick it up.
Like I said, it could be that I never did any quests but I have to say that while the nostalgia was fun for ten minutes or so I was laughing at the game the whole time.
The animations were awful, combat rolls made me laugh as my Barbarian Orc had plenty of futile attempts of killing a mudcrab with a two handed blunt staff, the magic casting was less than impressive, the graphics were mocking to Skyrim and Oblivions, and load time was just god awful.
Yes I know that it is an older title and that Graphics < Gameplay. But I see so many people whining about Skyrim and the changes but I have too say Skyrim blows this game out of the water.
So much has been improved over the past few years on The Elder Scrolls titles and I can't help but wonder how anyone can truly complain about the changes?
Of course this is all just my opinion and I'm open to all arguments about how Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls ever, but seriously? Do you really think that, or are people just trying to fit in with the out crowd and say screw the mainstream?
Because in all honesty I don't care how popular the game is or how many people play it. It's fun to me and I can get lost in it for ages.
Just my thoughts.