I've looked everywhere, and Skyrim shows the time, day , and month (in Skyrim terms), but haven't noticed a year ?
If it is already there, I'm sorry for asking.
I enjoy playing mostly one character, and as I play through him, would be really kewl to see how many years (in-game time), I've been playing him.
If there was a mod that would display this, I'd definitely use it, preferably have a new character start out at the turn of a century ( 1600 or 1700, or whatever would be most appropriate), that way you'd have a reference as to how many years your character has been playing , in-game.
Of course, something like this wouldn't be all that lore-friendly, since characters don't really age, and if you play a character up to level 100+ he'd probably be more than 100 years old. But who knows, something like this could create a framework for some future modder to add a lifecycle to a character, basically meaning you start the game at age 16, and the playthrough is over at age 100 lol.
All I'm asking for, if possible, a mod that would add a year designation that tallies appropriately, as the months cycle by.