» Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:40 am
Wow we have alot of geniouses here. It is so easy to say he is not correct or he is wrong. Well PROVE IT. Don't just say useless words, prove that he is wrong. I am shocked here is a 12 year old in collage and alot of people here is saying he is wrong. What grade were you in when you were 12? I think he may know what he is talking about even though he may not be able to say it out loud properly.
When you guys can say Pie, to the 100th digit, forwards and backwards off the top of your head, they you may have some credibility, until then, most of you who are disbelievers is just talking nonsense. Again, so easy to say something but where is your proof?
I am not saying he is correct, because I can't confirm or deny what he is saying, but I find it remarkable what he can accomplish. Also at being 12, it looks like he may learn so much more. If he is capable of more learning growth, imagine what he will know when he is 16. 18, 25, 50.
I just can't believe you guys talking down to a 12 year old with a disability. The BFS forum members at thier greatest, kicking a disabled child down on the interent. Shame shame shame.
Who cares if he is wrong, it is just amazing that he can even do those calculations. Can you do that? Also can you prove he is wrong and how the creation of the universe was even done? At least he is trying to do something, what are you doing besides saying he is wrong?