LOL, yeah pie, sorry, thanks for the clarification. I am no genius.

He assumes all life is universally carbon based? Don't alot of people think this? Are you saying not all life is carbon based? I don't know, I can't say what is true, becaue I haven't lernt this. Someone is teaching him this. Is it wrong?
Did a quick search about carbon life, and it seems that all life has to have carbon. If there is no carbon then there is no life. So to say that is wrong seems to be impling theories that have been accepted by the scientifc community, so then he is correct then in that assessemnt of all life having carbon.

Your statement of saying "he assumes all life is universally carbon based" then having the shrug emoicon, suggests you are saying that what he said about carbon life is not true. So can you please prove this statement? This is even worse than saying the big bang was wrong in which his case he didn't say, but you are making a statement for carbon life.
LIfe on earth is most certainly commonly carbon based, however, we have marine bacteria and small organisms here that are use arsenic as sources of energy and building blocks.
Scientists have also stated that sulfur and phosphorus are capable of forming long chain molecules as carbon does. There are also bacteria here on earth that utilize sulfur as we would oxygen, breaking down the sulfur into hydrogen sulfide. When phosphous molecules combine with nitrogen, the phosphorus macromolecules form a variety of shapes.
It's also been theorized that ammonia and chlorine would play a role in formation of life in worlds with much cooler tempratures than that of earth.
As for what this particular child can accomplish, that depends on his level of self discipline, ability to express himself, to interact, and to learn. Simply memorizing data without utilizing it in useful ways doesn't mean one is a genius, it means they have a talent for memorization.
By what I read in the article, when he gets bored, he'll lose intrest and not perform. Proper collecting and untilization of scientific data happens over years of observation, it's meticulus, dedicated work.
I also agree the thread title is far too misleading.