...I do not know what the heck these guys at gamesas think who they are.
As long time employee in the RPG World, it has been a very interesting way until now.
Today, when I am reading those Skyrim reviews from 2011 and the overwhelming resonance again, I feel so comfortable, I would like to load up Skyrim and start playing right away.
But then, something strange happens. I totally loose interest.
After 3 years what is left from the über RPG?
Well, technically, I would mind 3 things most.
The super cheap collision mechanics, not allowing sophisticated combat. Basically you kill a rat the same way as a super golem.
Hit the button, x times. I won't elaborate on Dragon combat here...but it could have been really good.
The lame ambient lighting. Wow, it is a role playing game, and the lighting svcks. Ok, this is just very important, anyway...
The ever funny and exciting loading screens in transitions. I love them, really. Half of my day I am thinking about loading screens now.
I feel exactly the same way in common situations, when I am waiting for a phone call, or at the train station, I really would like to have those loading screens there as well.
They might have a loading screen party at gamesas someday. Cool.
Ok, we all know half of all Elder Scrolls players are colorblind, and not very demanding. But what about gameplay?
After thinking a long time, I guess gamesas has limited capacities, yes, the coffee machine couldnt handle those additional twenty mission & level designers, which have been missing desperately.
In fact they could have made Skyrim missions really exciting and rich in variety, which they are not.
They follow basically the same scheme:
Talk to someone - kickoff, Go somewhere, kill everyone, come back and --phew, thank you, you did a great job.
Amazing. But why do they feel all the same.
For example, the wolfskull cave mission, potema and so on. They reused the same assets to build a cave fortress. What a mess!!
Neither is it challenging, nor tricky, nor ... what else could I mention here? I am in lack of the words, of inspiration. Skyrim is literally a blackhole.
Where are the ideas? Where are quests which are complex, diverse, with their own ambience to remember.
Quests wich demand the explicit use of your brain, some brain at least.
Quests which are mystic, challenging, mind dazzling?
Is there a quest to unlock such in Skyrim?
It seems my copy is locked to 12 - 16 yrs old veterans.
Another big sacrifice has been made to magic. What has it become.
A fireball spitting freezing machine. Skyrim is just combat magic.
Everything is literally about combat. Well, of course, everyone who loved Oblivion was eager to have it this way. A medival combat s(t)imulator.
In other words, magic is much too simple. You find a scroll, read a tome, buy a spell, and whoops there you go. Spells that won't fizzle, or need a long time to master, whatever.
It is just like...well it feels like all those wishes from past Elder Scrolls games have been fulfilled without recognizing this would backfire someday. It is only half way.
Is there any approach toward progression among Elder Srolls mongers? And I am not talking about perks and such...
Conclusion, there are some reasons why Skyrim can become really boring, it really depends on your experience with RPG's.
Causal or new gamers probably won't meet them at all.
Now, where is my Skyrim diffuse spell...