:wave: to Archie! Hiya Archie - cool thread. 10 years on the forum... awesome. I have always been impressed at consistency of this forum. I have maybe half that time, but this forum has been and remains one of my favorite places on the internet, through good times and bad. Also, it was nice to see some other Methuselahs popping on (Hi Stormie, Antiman, etc.

) People do come and go, but Bethesda's ES games sure do have a way of hooking you in - I have seen people wander away for a couple years and get drawn back for one reason or another.
So, in your experience, Archie, what was the best way of keeping people in line without really having to do stuff like locking threads or passing out warnings?
We wanted the new "shock through keyboard" technology, where we could configure rules [censor avoidance... zzzzap], but apparently Bethesda was worried about "lawsuits" and "negative publicity". Pfffft. Eh, Archie answered this the best, but 9 times out of 10, an initial "hey, chill out, here's why that kind of posting is not cool here" type of PM with a member can go pretty far to calm people down. The more experienced members also help - and we do have a lot of "long termers" here for a forum - its rare for people to post for 2, 3 years consistently on any internet forum, let alone 8 or 10 . Lots of helpful people on this forum.
Oh definitely not, not even a fraction as hectic. It was literally insanity trying to post on the Oblivion forums when it was announced, and up to a weeks before release. Purely fun though. Skyrims forums are like..1/4th easily the insanity.

Even weeks and months after the insanity. I was lurking regularly right after OB release and was a-scared to join. It is interesting watching the Skyrim forums and seeing the same type posts and arguments again.
[ WTF! No Spears? No throwing stars! That's [censored]! ]Anyway, Skyrim is bringing me back around for another go at the Elder Scrolls world. I'm pretty excited to see how things turn out this time. Maybe there will be a good reason or two for me to post something in the Skyrim forums or this section of town instead of resorting to lurking for another few years, haha

Skyrim seems to be bringing a lot of people back... in one guise or another.

And it is bringing a lot of new people too, people that only recently discovered OB after playing Fallout 3 for example, and looking for other Bethesda games. I think that's awesome frankly, although there are the usual grumbles from some of the old-timers, some new frustrations, some more work to get newer members acclimated to this forum's style and so on. But it's fun and exciting watching the build-up to the new game.
Sometimes members
wander away for reasons
of their own.
It's funny how we held the same type of arguments in regards to Morrowind and Oblivion. Things don't change, we simply find our place on the timeline.
Quoted for ever-loving truth.