I still miss the all TES-tan forum board we used before this update. At least they kept the background for it, but its covered by this awful black thing with angry people all yelling at me on it!
I really dislike the "good ol' days" sort of logic, but in this case, I preferred discussion back before the heavy-handed moderation and excessive nanny-like micromanagement of topics which has caused the excessive, repetitively docile and unoriginal topics we have today.
Hehe, I remember BretonSpellSword. OOOHHH the controversial topics.
I think the moderators do only what it necessary. Sure its a shame to say that such levels of moderation are necessary, but they do a great job of being helpful and kind (except for Rohugh, he's such a meany!). They even left us have the odd silly thread if the whole community gets in on it and no ill-will is meant by anyone in it.
How long was that one thread? 30 something pages? I'm sad I never got to participate in it.