I'll do 5 at a time otherwise it's too overwhelming.
It seems like every game splits the fanbases like this.I have been on here for what, 7 years now? Only been Moderating for the last 5 or so. I have seen some changes on the boards. Most of them good, some of them understandable, some not so good. I do miss some of the old posters, but I embrace the new ones. I do miss discussing Politics, but I don't miss the hurt feelings when I pointed out how wrong somone was. OK, kidding on the last. I remember when there was only one game on here to talk about, Morrowind, and the older games were given a small section for folks to play in. Now we have all these other games and I am sure more are coming. I like that Bethesda is branching out, I just hope they don't grow too big or get to big for their business. I look forward to the next 10 years, and maybe even be still moderating at that time. For sure I will still be posting.
Hi CCNA! :hug:
And the fanbase seems to do a 6 month cycle, where people come for a bit and move on, some people like the mods get a Mod Chip installed so they can't escape. :unsure:
Wow I didn't realize how much tension their was on the site back in the old days and this site actually had Trolls I can't believe that. I guess today it's very friendly compared to the older days. Congrats on the 10 year milestone.
Yeah what had to be done had to be done. They trolling was very bad, porm being posted (which is why you can't imbed images) and just any and all types of people just trying to be a nuscience. Worse are the people who jump on the bandwagon and try and get in on the trolling, I've never understood that.
That was a nice read. I enjoyed hearing about some of the forums history. This was the first forum I decided to join, and I have joined a few since then, but none of them have as good of a community as this one.I have been hearing quite a lot about m0use.net recently.What was the internet like back then?
I think the biggest difference with the internet was the amount of loopholes rolls had to be able to slip thorough and harass people by and there would be nothing you could do about it.
Some of it was really horrible, people being vindictive against us personally when we were just trying to keep the peace and make sure people adhere to the ruled the Admins set out. It was never personal. The part I hated the most was when someone I thought was my friend would do it, they thought that favoritism f some sort would protect them from a warning, and we couldn't justly do that. I specifically remember one guy that was really sweet and shy turning into some kind of an ego monster when his mod got popular and him stating in the forums that "he has me wrapped around his little finger". How insulting! He got into a huge fury when he realizes he wasn't being cut special slack.
Another kind of troublemaker was someone that would set the blame to the wrong person, there was on notable person (no I won't provide names) that blamed me for banning him because I didn't use invisible mode, but it was an admin who banned him. He cross posted on a lot of fansites about how he was banned unfairly with no warning (neither was true) and that I should be fired because of this. He got a large following despite his story having more holes than swiss cheese, and there was even an internet petition to have me fired ad moderator! If it wasn't so pervasively stressful it would have been hilarious. I thought people would have more sense and see the parts in his threads where he said he was trying to push Bethesda as far as he could go without being banned but people see only what they want to see, I guess. Like I said if it wasn't so pathetic, it would have been funny.
when i saw your name and picture in the picture thread, i thought it was some sort of inside joke.I had no idea you were an actual user.
I'm not I'm an Archiebot. Beep beep beep!
You guys should release a list of the worst trolls in the past decade...we could dress it all up like those RDR bounty posters.

That was a good read, thanks archie.
That would ironically be violating their confidentiality, which is why bans and warnings aren't discussed in the forums.
Ok next group of comments....