I wanted to use the securitrons to help NCR. I put yes man in and was railroaded into kicking NCR out. I couldn t even save the NCR president. There were two options when he told me House wanted to save him. "They won t let me near him, they hate me,"(which was not true) and "I don t care about Kimbell." No " Yeah, I ll go save him." So the NCR president dies, and I had no option to try to save him.
You either have some bug relating to your standing with the NCR or you are not liked enough that they don't want you near their president.
If you are liked enough, you can safe the president and can boot them out non-violently.
When it comes to endings I'd choose Yes-Man, House is exploiting the Strip while doing nothing, he keeps the poor out through deadly force and has the mindset of an Objectivist. Yes-Man is your tool, he gives you the plan Benny had to take over, also your choices are the only factor in with House, NCR and Legion gone to mess with them. Although it's hinted he may go all Skynet on us so maybe it's a bad thing he gets control.
I don't know Skynet wasn't that bad in Fallout 2... :spotted owl:
AI's don't have to be crapshoot in Fallout.