Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:46 am

House all the way.Yes mans just not a stable future.And the only reason I used to support yes man is I wouldnt have to destroy the BoS so I could have the toys,would have gotten rid of em later.But any one who plays as yes man and keeps the BoS alive doesnt seem t relise they are your biggest threat.Mr House knows what he's doing,Ill go with him.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:48 am

Mr. House is clearly superior. Yes-Man offers the illusion of control,but to me, I prefer helping people as opposed to playing god-king. We have one enough egotistical god kings who like to pretend all technology is for sissies.
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Bedford White
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:54 am

When it comes to personality, House, hands down. Every line he speaks is pure gold with his voice, or maybe when compared to someone without personality he just stands out.

When it comes to endings I'd choose Yes-Man, House is exploiting the Strip while doing nothing, he keeps the poor out through deadly force and has the mindset of an Objectivist. Yes-Man is your tool, he gives you the plan Benny had to take over, also your choices are the only factor in with House, NCR and Legion gone to mess with them. Although it's hinted he may go all Skynet on us so maybe it's a bad thing he gets control.

Also isn't it kind of funny how people complain about taxes the NCR has but House will put heavy taxes on Primm for accepting NCR rule over a nut-job or rusty robot in their time of desperate need? Unbiased my ass.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:21 pm

I'm not sure what exactly is meant by "better"
If it were a better leader or result for the wasteland then I would say House
Yes Man's more assertive personality can't be good
but he is my favorite character
and Wild Card is my fav. playthrough
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:17 pm


House gives you more control since it's implied the Courier retires to New Vegas in the Lucky 38. There's nothing stopping him from pulling the plug on House at any moment, and there's no reason for House to stop trusting the Courier. Furthermore, House is a better option for safety, both in the big picture and in the small picture. No one on the Strip is gonna try to fool Mr. House, but the Yes Man ending implies a few people have to blow up before they realize they're still being watched. As a big picture, House is a human, not to mention a genius. He can adapt to issues in order to solve them. Say the BoS creates a giant empire out of northern Nevada in 40 years time and they decide to attack New Vegas. They recognize Vegas' defense system and come charging in with pulse guns. Yes Man wouldn't know what to do; he can only do what he's programmed. Maybe he'll become self-aware, but then he's only as intelligent as he's programmed to be. House on the other hand can recognize the threat. He can come up with a counter-measure and order the Courier or the people of New Vegas to do the physical work. House is responsible for some of the high tech old world gear himself, so it's very unlikely an invader could out-gun him.

Besides, what's gonna happen if Yes Man is in charge and the BoS is alive? Who's gonna keep the Fiends in check? The Van Graffs? House offers Vegas a chance to move forward, all while feeling safe and secure. Yes Man offers freedom, but that's it. He has nothing else to offer: no progress, no security.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:21 pm

All of the factions wear metal...

Specifically I was referring to the BOS who have a heavy preference towards power armor. Subtlety truly is dead.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:49 pm

To me, it seems all House cares about is the strip, not necessarely "New Vegas". If you don't believe me, take a look at Freeside. I also question House's judgement giving luxurious power to two ruthless families, cannibals and mobsters that enslave women as prosttutes and poison everyone with drugs.

I don't trust Yes Man but I destroy the Robots at the fort before installing him. Yeah, like I'm gonna trust an AI with a huge army of robots.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:34 pm

note I say "during end game" He tells you what to do. You can t tell him a single thing.

I wanted to use the securitrons to help NCR. I put yes man in and was railroaded into kicking NCR out. I couldn t even save the NCR president. There were two options when he told me House wanted to save him. "They won t let me near him, they hate me,"(which was not true) and "I don t care about Kimbell." No " Yeah, I ll go save him." So the NCR president dies, and I had no option to try to save him.

Then he just ordered me around and I had to kick NCR off the dam. Which was not my intentions. With yes man you should have been able to use the securitrons to help NCR.

You do have options at Hoover Dam, dude. You also decide the fate of General Oliver. Yes Man knows what he is doing.
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:23 am

I'm a wildcard ;D
Yes man empowers me, and he's kinda awesome by kickin' oliver of the dam :celebration:
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:04 pm

I'm not sure what exactly is meant by "better"
If it were a better leader or result for the wasteland then I would say House
Yes Man's more assertive personality can't be good
but he is my favorite character
and Wild Card is my fav. playthrough

Why is Yes Man's assertive personality not good? If he didn't become more assertive, some idiot could pop a stealth boy, sneak into the Lucky 38 Penthouse and say "I am in charge now. My first order of business is for you to exterminate the Courier". When I saw Yes Man in the flesh at Hoover Dam I was like "What are you doing here????? GET OUT!!!!" because Oliver could have easily said "you, robot, you work for NCR now".
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Assumptah George
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:54 pm

Specifically I was referring to the BOS who have a heavy preference towards power armor. Subtlety truly is dead.

Yeah, I know.But someone had to say it sooner or later. :disguise:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:55 am

I wanted to use the securitrons to help NCR. I put yes man in and was railroaded into kicking NCR out. I couldn t even save the NCR president. There were two options when he told me House wanted to save him. "They won t let me near him, they hate me,"(which was not true) and "I don t care about Kimbell." No " Yeah, I ll go save him." So the NCR president dies, and I had no option to try to save him.

You either have some bug relating to your standing with the NCR or you are not liked enough that they don't want you near their president.

If you are liked enough, you can safe the president and can boot them out non-violently.

When it comes to endings I'd choose Yes-Man, House is exploiting the Strip while doing nothing, he keeps the poor out through deadly force and has the mindset of an Objectivist. Yes-Man is your tool, he gives you the plan Benny had to take over, also your choices are the only factor in with House, NCR and Legion gone to mess with them. Although it's hinted he may go all Skynet on us so maybe it's a bad thing he gets control.

I don't know Skynet wasn't that bad in Fallout 2... :spotted owl:

AI's don't have to be crapshoot in Fallout.
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Chica Cheve
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