Now, here's one of my two issues:
The fog looks very...hard. And not misty like fog should, and it certainly doesn't increase immersion like the readme claims.¤t=ScreenShot72.jpg¤t=ScreenShot71.jpg
Maybe this is how it's supposed to look?
And now my second problem. The mountains in the distance sometimes suffer extreme clipping, dependent on where I'm currently looking. Not all mountains do this, but the majority do. Obviously it stops when I come near to them. It's only when the fog is on them.¤t=ScreenShot68.jpg¤t=ScreenShot69.jpg¤t=ScreenShot70.jpg
Look at how the mountain in the distance changes shape as I start to look at the ground.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: And yes, I do realize what Streamsight is supposed to do. But I'm also worried about how my game looks.