Do you already have a character planned out.

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:14 am

I haven't desided the race yet.. Much less the backstory. Maybe my character hit his head and forgot about his past? Problem for a backstory solved. :celebration:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:04 am

I already know the race,class and skills of my caracter,but his background not finished yet.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:05 pm

I've realized that my previous post was not entirely accurate.

The type of character I ALWAYS play is a good-natured Imperial who is devoted to the Empire. In Morrowind, he was a loyal Imperial Operative (a custom class of my design that consists of a heavily armed warrior with Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Armorer, and Speechcraft). Sort of like a public spy- a guy who was sent in to clean up something, and the moment he walks in, EVERYBODY knows who he was and he can talk people into telling him what he needs to know, then can call in backup if needed and take out a crime ring. The Emperor (they've never met, my guy was rather low ranking, but the Emperor had access to his file and stumbled across it when looking) realized that he met the conditions of the Nerevarine Prophecy, and fearing sending him to Morrowind openly (which would surely attract the attention of the Temple), arranged for him to be accused of a crime he didn't commit, arrested, and then secretly transported to Vvardenfell.

In Oblivion, same type of character. I never did get a believable story. But thinking about it, I suppose he was sent in to deal with some thieves, but accidentally killed a nobleman who was consorting with them. While he knows he was just defending himself, the court didn't agree, and sent him to the prison (you could argue that the Imperial Guards there, who knew full well that he wasn't a bad person and respected him, placed him in that cell to keep an eye on it). He took control of the DB and TG to keep them in check.

In Skyrim, I haven't decided. It remains to be seen whether the new Dynasty in charge actually is worthy of respect. But any way, he isn't really guilty (at least, not in the way he may be).
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:38 am

Dark Elf mercenary who will attempt to turn any situation to his benefit. If you can, he'll have some form of goatee and will use swords and destruction (mainly touch/ area of effect spells). He'll be somewhat sneaky, and very persuasive. He'll try to deny his destiny as the Dragonborn and the prophecy of Alduin coming for as long as he can.
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James Potter
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:21 am

only thing i know is im gonna be a nord ill let the rest play out when i get it
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:13 am

Either nord warrior or kakjit stealther. Both eventually.

Since scars and decals are cofiremeded. If i can mkae the nord be missing an eye I will. All scarred up. Huge beard. Old as sin.
Mostly just an old warrior type. Doesn't like killing but will at will. Eats meat (cannibal) raw. Slaughters the reptilians whenever possible. (argonians are lower than dragons)

BIG as possible both in height and build. Most beastly face as i can get. Huge braided beard-beard. Probably yellow, lion-ish pelt.
Hates/murders all human men. Kills and eats bosmer and alter. Respects orcs. Doesn't like khakjit females (too stuck up). Mostly interbreeds with human females.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:32 am

While I understand the tone of *inspired*

please no Lotr, please. just be Elderscrolls, Was there Lotr influences from Arena to Morrowind?.

I don't have a background, but In any game if possible I try to play the same type of character for my first playthough. So in Skyrims case it will be a Nord named Mikael with long silver hair, thick silver beard, blue eyes(1 green if possible) that is a standard good guy warrior who does not steal and uses little magic or stealth stuff in general.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:37 pm

Imperial, Descendant of Hircine himself, denies being a Descendant at any time due to his Fathers shame he put on him.. (His Father murdered his wife and daughter out of insanity, then my character kills his Father, for revenge :P).
Hes gonna be a master of stealth, and hopefully a Dark sort of Character (Evil is what I mean)
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:08 pm

First character? I'm probably not going to have any story. I'm gonna run around and do the main quest on my first character.

Although... I'm gonna need a personality to make quest decisions... and then being a writer/artist I'm gonna want to make a backstory because my imagination runs amok.

I'm doomed to make the most intricate person ever-- when I really don't want to. :shrug: *sigh*
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:41 am

Argonian stealth is what i'm going with! I love to hide in the shadows, sneak up on my prey, and kill them as silently as i can =) its really exhilarating!

Cant wait for this game been waiting for 4 years i don't think i could be disappointed no matter how it comes out!

Word up Bethesda!
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 pm

My main character has quite a history, this is a rough, quick version of it.
He is a Dunmer named Ravyk who would be considered a crusader.

Born of a high ranking member of House Redoran, the middle of three children, Ravyk, Malakash and Athyn, all boys, his mother died of childbirth whilst giving birth to his youngest brother.
His father was ruthless and quite corrupt, he in fact gave his eldest son to a noble of House Telvanni to pay a dept he had. When my character was age 13 his father left for cyrodiil, he was never seen again.

Ravyk was adopted by the Tribunal Temple where he was tutored, also occasionally trained with the Ordinators, by age 27 he was of the rank Desciple, he specialised in the hunting and extermination of Vampires and Necromancers, he had also over the years, risen through the ranks of House Redoran high enough to have a stronghold built at the site of "Bal Isra", where he and his wife would reside when not partaking in Temple or Redoran business.

He was sent to solsthiem by the Temple one winter, where he would be assisting the east empire trading company in some way or another as part of the Temples initiative to be more helpful toward the imperials, he was not pleased though he respected the Temples orders so he went. He was gone for several weeks before returning, using a Recall spell to arrive back in his home of Indarys Manor, where he was greeted by the smell of burnt flesh, and several bodies, one of which was his wife.

Furious and without anyone to blame he seeks help from his youngest brother Athyn who he was reunited with several years before, his brother is at this point a member of the Morag Tong and has dealings with a great many people, including all of the great houses. He promises to help as best he can.

Months pass, then years, Ravyk descends into a deep depression, living in the Ashlands inside an old Velothi Tower, shunning contact with the outside world, until finally Athyn returns with news, the person who murdered his wife was an up and coming Telvanni Sorcerer who had since become the Archmagister of house telvanni and was considered incredibly powerful, his home was a tower situated on Uviriths Grave, his name was Malakash. He was Ravyks brother.
Ravyk at this point was furious and immediately traveled to the tower of Uviriths Grave, when he arrived he slaughtered anything that stood in his way until finally reaching the top of the tower where Malakash awaited.

The fight didnt last long, Ravyk was descimated by his brothers magick, near death and barely able to see he witnessed an old Dunmer in Daedric Armour appear and begin fighting with Malakash, the fight went on for quite some time until the wizard in Daedric got the upper hand and readied the final killing spell, when suddenly a crash came from the south west, then Red Mountain began to rumble, Malakash used this moment to flee, casting a teleportation spell and vanishing.
The old wizard in Daedric then approached Ravyk and cast what was apparently 'Recall on other', Ravyk was then sitting in what seemed to be an inn, turns out he was recalled all the way to cyrodiil, he never saw his savior again though.

For many years afterward Ravyk wandered, still thinking of destroying his brother, but as the years passed his rage turned to apethy.
Finally he wandered accross the Skyrim border where he was promptly arrested, turns out some Dunmer wearing Bonemold Armour had been attacking caravans and killing the occupents, Ravyk in his Bonemold fit the description perfectly, he didnt protest and he didnt fight, he was over 200 years old and he didnt particularly mind that his long journey would finally come to an end.
Or so he thought it would.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:55 pm

I've played tons of characters, like anyone. But I do have this Dunmer Nerevarine that I decided was going to Cryodiil after the events of Morrowind so I just made him over again, with some tweeks here and there but otherwise I decided he was the same man. My backstory was that he had broken into the cell himself. It was the very same cell he had been in when the Emperor had ordered him shipped off to Vvardenfell and he had returned to reflect on all that had happened, when low and behold, the Emperor himself returned to that very same cell!

Sure. I don't get to keep all his old power but I roleplayed that too. It was a choice. He saw his second meeting with the Emperor as a chance to start over and he relenquished whatever magic he had, returning to a mortal form. Alas, when the Emperor was killed minutes later, he realized his destiny had been to help but he would have to build himself up again. So he did. He rejoined guilds, he traveled the world trying to help people, mostly Dunmer, Naturally. He never revealed he was the Nerevarine but he did assist Azura and, of course, Marten. But it was meeting a rather eccentric Daedra that changed his perspective on sanity, so that very same Dunmer left Cyrodiil. He returned east and is in the Shatterlands right now. His rage at what he finds there will blind him for some time but I imagine that in two hundred years or so, He'll wake up in a prison cell, on trial for a murder he cannot remember commiting. Somewhere in his madness he had lost something of himself and so once again, he will have to start over. To build up his power and fufill his destiny.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:52 am

My character will be based on my D&D character. Skyrim will just be a sidequest, which turned out to be more than just another minor assignment. :D
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:28 am

I don't know yet. Creating a character for a new game is one of those things that just happens for me. I can't plan it, but as soon as I start the details and backstory come naturally.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:02 am

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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:31 am

My main template is always these three for each game:

* Redguard Warrior
* Stealth/Archer Build Argonian
* Jack of all Trade Fox Race Mod
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Alba Casas
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:56 pm

Depends on how awesome the Beast races are.

If not, I'll stick to my normal Imperial.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:14 am

I will be my Dunmer thief/Archer who also has a thing for daggers.

He was sent on a quest for the Dark Brotherhood but was ambushed and thrown in jail, and that's how it will start. :P
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:25 am

I'm totally up in the air with my character, but I'm leaning towards playing a Nord since we're in Skyrim n' all. Never was a mage-type anyhow.
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Ian White
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:27 am

Mine will be as a Dunmer Knight female, that was born into aristocracy but she turned her back on her family, because they wanted her to do evil things. Now she goes around righting wrongs for the church, helping the poor people and the stores, it is why I always give money to the beggars and the stores, even in Oblivion. Also she is an avid undead hunter.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:58 pm

I do not know who I will play as yet it is still like 10 months away. They said they would be remaking alot of the races. So I have no idea what I will play as. I realy want them to work on bosmer and make them cool and not skimp them again.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:19 pm

My first character on all of ES games is CBA the argonian.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:26 pm

Im gonna be a Nord killing machine, im not into mages or sneaking, i like doing it like this

close and personal, mano e mano.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:20 am

Playing the Breton noble-yet-slightly-ego-maniacal-spell-slinging-blade-swinging-vampiric-master-of-magic that I know and love. Who knows? If we have necromancy, I might even make a detour and resurrect a few people that I've drained of blood.

On a more serious note, I think I'm going to go pretty heavily mage and work from there dependent on what we have for ranged options and spell making/enchanting.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:39 pm

First character? I'm probably not going to have any story. I'm gonna run around and do the main quest on my first character.

Although... I'm gonna need a personality to make quest decisions... and then being a writer/artist I'm gonna want to make a backstory because my imagination runs amok.

I'm doomed to make the most intricate person ever-- when I really don't want to. :shrug: *sigh*

You could do what I did in New Vegas when playing an insane character. Basically I flipped a coin at every moral decisions, heads was good, tails evil. It made for some very interesting reactions and results, and nobody really knew what to do with me. I supported Yes Man and took Vegas for myself, it just fit the best out of the three options. The character was as likely to help you out, give you money and food and comfort you, or shoot you in the face and eat your corpse while singing jaunty sea shanties. It was a fun game.
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