Yeah, I've got one planned out. I can't really be bothered to write about him right now, I wrote a fairly long description if anyone is at all interested, can be found in the first post of the following thread:
That covers it, he's basically the same character as my first character in Morrowind and Oblivion. He's become a bit of a tradition for me, so I'll play with that character first then move on to other stuff. I'm thinking my second one will be a female Nord dual wielding axes.
Okay, short summary for you if you don't feel like reading all that (I don't blame you):
He's a Dunmer mercenary and blade for hire. He's got little to no morals, and typically only works for some sort of reward, he's not a charity worker. What the reward is isn't really important, though gold is preferred. He will lean towards doing the right thing though, unless another option is more practical or profitable. He's dedicated first and foremost to self preservation and always looks out for himself first, if Alduin eats the world then it's gonna be hard to find work, women and booze, so if nobody else has the balls, he'll just have to save the world himself.
After the invasion of Morrowind he deeply resents Argonians, he's not an idiot, he knows most aren't directly to blame. But his national pride and deep reverance for Dunmer customs and history makes it hard for him to accept or trust argonians, though he really doesn't trust anyone, he's always prepared to be stabbed in the back and do the same to others if it's in his best interest. He's not too fond of Nords either, but seeing as he's in Skyrim he's willing to compromise and at least
act nice (To an extent) in their homeland.
He is cocky, snarky and looks down on the other races, much like most Dunmer. He has no love for the Empire and believes it should just die already and let a new age begin. He does however know the value of friends and contacts, if only just for getting work or information he needs.
As for looks, he's got dark gray skin, bright red eyes and as many scars as the game will allow, though not too many for him to just look terrible. He's strong but slender and favours speed over brute strength and bulk.
He prefers light to medium armor for mobility and will never be seen in platemail. He fights with a sword and at times a shortsword or dagger in the off hand, in additon he is naturally talented in destruction magic and especially fire based magic. He carries a shield for emergencies, but prefers to just get close quickly and slaughter the enemy before they can retaliate.
That's the "short" version