Im Sick of being Over Encumbered, you should walk and struggle of carrying to much weight, not froze to the spot because you are heavy.
I also want to be able to hide my stuff somewhere without the Game Deleting it, just because i took a nap.
When i start the Game, im gonna look through the UESP Site about Feather stuff and do a cross country picking up Ingredients.
Take the rough with the smooth. If your sick of being over encumbered,don't carry too much.

I like it the way it is,though fallouts slow was ok too. But eventually even if walking slow you should come to a stop. Things get heavier the longer you carry them,it makes sense.
Hell ,it's not as if we don't have things to counter this either. In my opinion,if you are over encumbered,thats your own fault. It should stay,and no fast travlling either,while encumbered.