» Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:21 am
I haven't read through everyone's responses, so somebody probably already said this in 1/10th the words, but this is my thought:
I would often not pay attention to my carry weight in past games, to suddenly be trapped and unable to move, usually in an important area where I NEEDED to move, and be forced to either drop what I just picked up, or drop something that I deemed less valuable. Did not like this. On the contrary, if you were just slowed down, this might give incentive to just accept the new rate of speed, and to just continue to pile on weight indefinitely. I think there should be a 'max' value of weight that once you hit, you begin to slow down, but not drastically. You aren't going to be frolicking through the forest, pick up a mushroom, and then be suddenly unable to move or drastically slower. So at this 'max' you would begin to slow down more and more as you added weight, till eventually you would just stop. This would allow time to run back to your house, store or whathaveyou to unload, without being suddenly slowed to a snails pace or stuck, while at the same time not allowing the player to keep piling on weight indefinitely.
EDIT: Sleign said exactly what I said in the third post....meh :sadvaultboy: