» Tue May 17, 2011 3:30 pm
I dreamt once of a glade. Must of been early spring but the vegetation was foreign to me.
I could feel the echo of Morrowind's score in the air and I knew where I was. This is when time began to hasten.
The strange plants began to do that wavering dance of timelapse and sun streaked through the sky, giving way to duel moons.
Again and again this would occur, the sun brightening more each time and the plants began to yellow and dry. I watched summer flick by in an instant.
And the death began. Some fruit would rot, as meat. Some more traditionally like the orange and reds glow of Autumn I was used to. Time moved faster still until that first snowflake.
My eye followed it to the ground, lightly, slowly. Soon there was more snow and the glade began to freeze over, great icicles hanging from the now dead branches.
As full winter took hold the moons of Secunder and Masser hung motionless in the crisp sky. I could hear the soft padding of nimble feline feet on snow and a slender, long jaguar walked slowing into the center of the glade, facing away from me. I could see each muscle working, the sinew pulling tight on the beast's frame. It then stood up on two legs, leaner then any Khajiit and it stared at the moons. I try to take a step forward and with lighting grace it's head snaps back to look right at me, with sentient eyes. Birds, hundreds of them took flight, having been sitting motionless, un-noticed in the frozen trees. The creature I understand to be a Cathay-Raht hisses some short phrase I did not understand and the shock of it woke me up.
On the topic of IN-GAME dreams. I would love for them to become cutscenes, or better yet, playble vignettes. I always loved the dreams the Nerevarine would have, or the vampires, but I wanted more. I accept the books as books because it's what they are but I don't want to read a journal of my character's dream, however morbidly specific. I want to SEE my dreams. And with a beautiful and natural animation engine, I think that's more possible now then ever. I would LOVE to have nightmares when turning into a Werewolf or Vampire. Even more, I'd love to see terrifiying, screaming glimpses of Alduin to really set the mood.